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  • The First Modern Humans

    Who were the Cro-Magnons and how did they survive in their snow-bound world? We’ll talk this hour with Brian Fagan, emeritus professor of anthropology at U.C. Santa Barbara and author of the new book “Cro-Magnon: How the Ice Age Gave Birth to the First Modern Humans” (Bloomsbury Press, 2010).

  • Wolves in America

    What does the future hold for Wolves in North America? We’ll examine the current situation this hour with Douglas H. Chadwick, whose piece “Wolf Wars: Once Protected, Now Hunted” is the cover story in this month’s National Geographic Magazine.

  • Lessons Learned from Saving Racehorses

    What does a sport like horseracing tell us about our culture and what happens to the horses when their racing days are over? We’ll explore the world not seen from the grandstand this hour with Lynn Reardon, founder and executive director of LOPE – LoneStar Outreach to Place Ex-Racers and author of “Beyond the Homestretch: […]

  • The Academy Awards

    Who will win big at Sunday night’s Academy Awards? We’ll discuss it this hour with Stephen Becker of KERA’s Art&Seek, Chris Kelly of the Star-Telegram and Chris Vognar of The Dallas Morning News.

  • Trauma Care in North Texas

    What does North Texas lack when it comes to trauma and burn care services? We’ll preview Wednesday’s Legacy Center for Public Policy forum with Timothy Bray, Assistant Professor at UTD’s School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, Don Spies, President & CEO of the North Texas 3-Share Plan and Warren Rutherford past Executive Vice President […]

  • Clinton vs. Starr

    How close did the Clinton Presidency come to destruction? We’ll look back this hour with Duquesne University law professor Ken Gormley, whose new book is “The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr” (Crown, 2010).

  • Trust & the Economy

    How important is trust in today’s business world? We’ll talk this hour with journalist Anna Bernasek author of the new book “The Economics of Integrity: From Dairy Farmers to Toyota, How Wealth Is Built on Trust and What That Means for Our Future” (Harper Studio, 2010).

  • One Couple's Unlikely Adventures in Eating in America

    What do you spend on your daily bread and what is reality like for the 35 million Americans with limited food options? We’ll spend the hour with Christopher Greenslate, co-author of the new book “On a Dollar a Day: One Couple’s Unlikely Adventures in Eating in America” (Hyperion, Paperback, 2010).

  • The Attorney General, Embattled

    How does Attorney General Eric Holder’s legal philosophy differ from his predecessors in the office? We’ll talk this hour with Dayo Olopade, Washington correspondent for The Root and Bernard L. Schwartz Fellow at the New America Foundation. Her article “Eric Holder’s War” appears in the March issue of The American Prospect.