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Artists! Today’s The Last Day To Apply For Dallas Arts Grants! 15

This is a new initiative from the Office of Cultural Affairs that aims to be more inclusive and generate more activity in the local arts scene. Who doesn’t want that — and getting some money for doing it?

The ‘Special Support Grant’ program was started last year with a $50,000 budget (ten grants, $5000 each), and the pilot program went spiffily enough — awarding such artists and arts organizations as Arthur Pena, the Danielle Georgiou Dance Group, Upstart Productions, Darryl Ratcliff and the Dallas Mexican American Historical League — that the OCA kicked up the budget this year to $120,000.

Online applications started Nov. 4, the closing date is Nov. 20 — which, um [checking calendar app on iPhone] . . . is today.

Here’s the all the necessary data plus the relevant link:


FY15-16 Cultural Projects Program – Special Support Grant

As part of a new Office of Cultural Affairs initiative, a funding program to support special projects for non-profit cultural arts organizations and individual artists in any discipline has been established. Awards of $1,000 – $5,000 will be made to support projects by non-profit arts organizations and individual artists in any discipline not currently supported in the COP and CPP programs. Awards will be made multiple times during the City’s fiscal year and must take place within the city limits of Dallas. Artists and non-profit arts organizations must be residents and/or have their permanent administrative office located in Dallas.

1. Nonprofit 501(c)(3) arts and cultural organizations whose administrative offices are located within the City limits of Dallas
2. Individual Artists with permanent residence in the City of Dallas
3. Only 1 application per organization/artist per deadline will be accepted.
4. Organization/Artists will only be eligible for one award per fiscal year.
5. Priority will be given to new works by emerging organizations with an operation history of at least three years, and cultural organizations that have an annual operating budget under $1,000,000 based on prior year’s actual expenses.
6. Individual artists must have at least 3 years experience in their field.
7. All projects must happen within the City limits of Dallas during the timeframe for each deadline.

Applications will not be accepted for the following:

1. Activities which do not have a cultural or artistic focus or whose primary focus is religious or political in nature
2. Projects planned primarily for fundraising purposes
3. Activities restricted to members or which do not benefit the general public
4. Tuition expenses
5. College/university or school projects that are part of a course or curriculum or which do not benefit the general public
6. Scholarships, cash prizes or awards
7. Underwriting of capital expenditures (buildings, land, permanent equipment or artwork)
8. Activities that have occurred prior to the signing of the cultural service contract
9. Underwriting of past deficits
10. Endowments
11. Non contract related services, lobbying, attorney’s fees, fees for penalties, and fees for incorporation or obtaining tax-exempt status
12. Public art projects that take place on City property.

To Apply:
Go to click on “Programs” and then “Cultural Contract Services” -on the right hand side of that page look for – “To access the Online Cultural Application” that will link you to the online applications. Information that will be needed to apply;
1. Date(s) of the project
2. Description of the project and its artistic merit to be funded
3. Marketing and promotion plans for the project
4. The project ability to reach new or expanded audiences
5. Proposed budget for the project
6. Individual Artists are required to submit resumes or vitas and two pieces of representational of the artist’s work.
7. Organizations are required to include a history of the organization and two supplemental materials that represent the organizations work.

The Cultural Affairs Commission’s Allocation Committee will review all applications and determine the recipients of the Awards. The Committee will use the following criteria for making the awards:
1. Artistic excellence of the project (50 pts)
2. Marketing and promotion plans for the project (15 pts)
3. Audience reach of the project to new or expanded audiences in Dallas (15 pts)
4. Is the budget realistic for implementation of the project (15 pts)
5. The artistic excellence of the artist or organization (5 pts)

Final Reports:
All Artists/Non-profit arts and cultural organizations that are awarded funding will be required to do a final summary report of the project and provide documentation of the work.

Contracts and Awards:
All Cultural Arts Organizations/Artists will need to sign a contract for services with the City of Dallas. Payment schedules will be determined per award.
Applications Available Online starting on November 4, 2015

1st Round – NOVEMBER 20, 2015 Award period – December 15, 2015-September 15, 2016
2nd Round – FEBRUARY 26, 2016 Award period – March 15, 2016 – September 15, 2016
3rd Round – MAY 30, 2016 Award period – June 20, 2016 – September 15, 2016

Questions? Charla Sanderson, Cultural Programs Manager – Email: