Drive In To This Parking Lot For Dance From Agora Artists September 23, 2020 14Located in a former church, Arts Mission Oak Cliff is designed to be a different kind of sanctuary, one for creatives and for the surrounding community. Now their parking lot is too.
The AMOC Parking Lott Series, named for founders Lola and Todd Lott, kicks off this weekend.
Agora Artists, an arts organization serving the local dance community by creating more opportunities for local artists to create work, will present a live dance performance. The work is called “Tether” and will be performed on a raised platform in the center of the parking lot.
“The piece came about when we started thinking about what we were really missing during this time of COVID and what we’re longing for, and that was a sense of connection,” said Lauren Kravitz. She’s director of operations for Agora Artists and also pulls double duty as a staff member at AMOC.
“So we started to work with the idea of being tethered to one another,” Kravitz said. “Physically, with rope, in the dance piece. And metaphorically, in life.
“So it’s really exploring all of the ways that we intertwine, tangle up, and untangle as we walk through the world.”
Local musician and sound designer Brittany Padilla will provide the soundscape for “Tether.”
Agora Artists is one of several groups incubating at AMOC, said Avery-Jai Andrews, executive director of the dance collective. Like Kravitz, she also works for AMOC, as the social media and marketing director.
AMOC’s 1929 building, formerly Winnetka Congregational Church, punctuates a line of bungalow houses in the historic neighborhood of Winnetka Heights. Neighbors – and others – can take virtual dance and yoga classes or join the book club. And member artists can use workspaces, the stage and other facilities.
“It’s a historical building and although it’s been restored or renovated sanctuary, we embody that meaning by being a sanctuary for local artists to come in and create new work to collaborate with other artists and to support one another in the artistic life,” said Andrews.
The next performance in the parking lot series hasn’t been announced, but organizers hope it will give a small group of artists the opportunity to present paid work.
“Tether” runs Thursday through Friday, September 24-26 and October 1-3.
Tickets are priced per car For better viewing, AMOC recommends no more than three passengers per car. Tickets must be purchased in advance since no tickets will be sold at the door. Parking is first-come, first-served.
You can follow Agora Artists on Facebook and on Instagram @agoraartistsdtx
And follow the Arts Mission Oak Cliff on Facebook and Instagram @artsmission
Got a tip? Email Gila Espinoza at You can follow her on Twitter @espinoza_kera.
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