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Enjoy Shakespeare In The Great Outdoors With Movies In The Park 44

Shakespeare Dallas presents Movies In The Park, an entire month full of socially distanced movie nights. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from October 1-24, 2020, there will be movies playing on the lawn at the Samuell-Grand Amphitheater. 

Watch Movies In The Park October 1-24.

“The weather is cooling down and I think it’s going to be a lovely fall. This is going to be a great way to get outside and stay safe while enjoying spending time with those around you,” said Raphael Parry, Executive & Artistic Director of Shakespeare Dallas.

On Thursdays Shakespeare-inspired movies will be showing, Fridays will be classic films, and Saturdays will be family-friendly movies. Tickets are  $15 and can be purchased online. For Shakespeare Dallas members, movies are free on Thursdays. Email Shakespeare Dallas to receive a special code.

Image courtesy of Shakespeare Dallas.

Here’s the line-up of movies:

  • Thursday, October 1, 2020: Shakespeare in Love
  • Friday, October 2, 2020: Singin’ in the Rain
  • Saturday, October 3, 2020: Jurassic Park
  • Thursday, October 8, 2020: Ophelia
  • Friday, October 9, 2020: Casablanca
  • Saturday, October 10, 2020: Ghostbusters
  • Thursday, October 15, 2020: Pride & Prejudice
  • Friday, October 16, 2020: Breakfast at Tiffany’s
  • Saturday, October 17, 2020: The Goonies (Special Bark at the Park Night – dogs welcome!)
  • Thursday, October 22, 2020: Romeo and Juliet
  • Friday, October 23, 2020: A Streetcar Named Desire
  • Saturday, October 24, 2020: Beetlejuice

Image courtesy of Shakespeare Dallas. *Taken before COVID-19.*

Tips before you go:

  • Gates will open at 7 p.m. and movies start at 8 p.m.
  • Guests seated on a first-come, first-served basis in socially-distanced pods on the lawn
  • Guests are encouraged to bring blankets, lawn chairs, food, and beverages
  • Ruthie’s Food Trucks Fueled by Cafe Momentum will be onsite most evenings, plus their famous dessert truck on Saturdays. Guests can order ahead from their website
  • Those 21 and over may bring and consume beer or wine responsibly at the Amphitheater
  • Free parking is available

Shakespeare Dallas is also marking 100 years since the passing of the 19th amendment with Shakespeare and the Suffragists, a new virtual performance project that examines Shakespeare’s more feminist texts and how they have been interpreted and reinterpreted over time. This will be available for streaming in mid-October. You can pre-register now and a link to access the content will be emailed beginning October 15.

Image courtesy of Shakespeare Dallas.

Circo Metropolis, a pop-up circus experience presented by Shakespeare Dallas and Laughter League, will take place Saturday and Sunday on October 10-11 and October 17-18 at 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Tickets are $15 each or $50 for a family four-pack. The cast features speed juggler Dario Vasquez, Kelli and Julio Ramazini, Magic Mike Williams, aerialists Circus2Wins, slack wire artist Chet Monday and singer Lily Monday.

Image courtesy of Shakespeare Dallas.

Got a tip? Email Jessica Cross at You can follow her on Instagram @jessica.cross.

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