Get Your Groove Back With A Social DisDANCE Party August 31, 2020 9Every day on Art&Seek, we’re talking to people who have tips for socially distant art experiences. Share yours with us on Facebook, Instagram or @artandseek on Twitter. Click above to hear Missy Lisa from Ruby Room Studio share her tip with KERA’s Nilufer Arsala.

Missy Lisa, owner of Ruby Room Studio
It might be a while before you can slip on your dancing shoes and trip the light fantastic inside of a club. Most venues where we Nae Naed, Flossed, and Cotton-Eyed Joed pre-pandemic are closed for the time being.
Ruby Room Studio in Fair Park has come up with the perfect solution for those who miss moving to the beat with their outdoor Social DisDANCE Party.
The studio has been offering online dance/fitness classes since the start of the pandemic, but when some of their students asked about an in-person class that’s when a new idea struck.
“There were a handful of students that really didn’t want to do the the online classes. They wanted that in-person engagement,” said Missy Lisa, owner of Ruby Room Studio. “We kept getting emails asking when we were going to do classes in the studio again, but we just weren’t comfortable doing that yet with everything so ever-changing. That’s when we thought maybe we could host an outdoor class.”

Photo: Ruby Room Studio
When deciding on a location for the class Fair Park was the natural choice. Lisa’s studio is located on Exposition Avenue just across the street from Fair Park’s main gates. The class happens on Monday evenings on the large lawn in front of the Natural History Museum at Fair Park.
“We really love Fair Park. The big lawn at the Natural History Museum lets everyone social distance,” said Lisa. “The trees cast really long shadows making it the ideal place to have a dance party and connect with nature. You leave the class feeling great.”
The high energy hour-long class features uptempo music from a variety of genres. Lisa says the carefully curated playlist is designed to be motivational, uplifting, and get you up and moving. The class is open to everyone (including kids) and all fitness levels are welcome.
A few reminders: wear comfortable shoes and bring a yoga mat and water. Safety protocols require that everyone wear a mask anytime you’re not on your mat and to stay a minimum of 6 ft away from each other.
Got a tip? Email Therese Powell at You can follow her on Twitter @TheresePowell13
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