Sharing The Act Of Making Art April 7, 2020 25Every day on Art&Seek, we’re talking to people who have tips for staying creative and calm. Share yours with us on Facebook, Instagram or @artandseek on Twitter. You can listen above to Gretchen Goetz share her tip with KERA’s Nilufer Arsala.
Gretchen Goetz is a Dallas artist. Her drawings and paintings portray a fantasy world full of whimsy and bright colors. But she doesn’t stop at canvas and paper. Gretchen creates works of art on and out of everything – on ceramic tiles, books, bookmarks, flower pots, shovels, concrete floors, and walkers. Yes, walkers, those 4-legged metal frames used to support yourself. You get the idea.
These uncertain times can be anxiety-provoking, especially for someone who makes a living going out into the community teaching and sharing the love of creating art. So Gretchen has had time to stop and take inventory of things. First, there’s the re-working of her website. Then there was sifting through her sketchbooks, lots of sketchbooks, searching for more ideas to create something magical.
Finally, Gretchen asked herself, “During this time what can I do? What do I have to offer others?” The answer was simple. She’s an artist. That is what she does.
Gretchen believes that art is essential, that we all need art, and the act of making art can be very therapeutic, as well as enjoyable. So Gretchen decided to share some simple art tutorials online that people can do at home with supplies they probably already have on hand.
Right now, Gretchen has a tutorial on easy printmaking. That’s right, easy printmaking! All you need are a couple of styrofoam take-out containers, pencils, paint and brushes, bits of paper, water and a spoon, and you are good to go.
You can see Gretchen’s printmaking tutorial and other tutorials at The Gretchen Show, and on her Facebook page and Instagram page.
Gretchen says if you try this project don’t worry about making things perfect. Art is not about perfection. Sometimes you think you made a mistake and you come up with something wonderfully unexpected. Just enjoy and experiment.
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