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  • The First Leonid McGill Mystery

    What does a writer share with his or her best characters and how are new characters born? We’ll talk this hour with perennial bestselling author Walter Mosley, whose new book is “The Long Fall: The First Leonid McGill Mystery” (Riverhead, 2009).

  • What Thoreau Really Meant About Environmentalism

    Has Henry David Thoreau’s true message been misunderstood by generations of teachers and school kids? We’ll talk this hour with a man who’s been called the “urban Thoreau” himself. Robert Sullivan is the author of the new book “The Thoreau You Don’t Know: What the Prophet of Environmentalism Really Meant” (Collins, 2009).

  • Color-Blind Society? Ask a Mexican.

    Is the idea of a color-blind American society just that, or will we ever actually see past our differences and backgrounds? We’ll chat this hour with Gustavo Arellano, who reaches over 2 million readers a week with his syndicated “Ask a Mexican” column. He’s in town to address the 2009 Distinguished Lecture Series organized by […]

  • Documentary Filmmaking

    When you think of documentary filmmaking, whose name leaps to mind? We’ll spend this hour with acclaimed film maker Ken Burns whose past films – “The War,” “Baseball,” “Jazz,” “The Civil War,” etc.- are among the most-watched documentaries ever made. Burns is in town to speak at the Brinker International Forum this evening. His latest […]

  • The U.S. Health Care System

    How troubled is our country’s health care system and is there any way to fix it? We’ll examine the issue this hour with veteran FRONTLINE producer Jon Palfreman, whose film “Sick Around America” airs on PBS’ FRONTLINE tonight.

  • New Urbanism Today

    Can the existing urban environment be refreshed to meet the needs of a growing and changing population? We’ll talk this hour with a pioneer of the New Urbanism movement, Andr??s Duany. He’s in town to address several events sponsored by the Congress for the New Urbanism’s North Texas Chapter.

  • The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde

    Who were the real Bonnie and Clyde? We’ll find out this hour with writer Jeff Guinn who debunks the myths and sets the record straight in his new book “Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde” (Simon and Schuster, 2009).

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    Patrick Jenevein, Tang Energy

    In this CEO, host Lee Cullum engages in a global discussion on clean energy with Patrick Jenevein, President and CEO of Dallas and Beijing-based Tang Energy.

  • From the Archive: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

    What is your strategy for achieving your best results? We’ll explore creative ways to find where our natural abilities and personal passions meet with Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D., author of “The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything” (Viking, 2009).

  • Adrien Brody: An Actor Prepares

    What goes into the development of a character and how does an actor prepare to play that character? We’ll spend this hour with Academy Award-winning actor Adrien Brody who will receive the Star Award at the AFI Dallas International Film Festival this evening.