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  • Holiday Food and Drink

    Are you wondering what to serve this holiday season? We’ll talk this hour with cheesemonger Rich Rogers of Scardello Artisan Cheese and sommelier and wine expert Darryl Beeson. We’ll also take your calls and answer your cheese and wine-related questions.

  • Diet for a Warm Planet

    What strategies should individuals employ to help mitigate global warming? Environmental writer Julia Whitty wants us to take a close look at our plates. Her article “Diet for a Warm Planet” appears in the November/December issue of Mother Jones Magazine.

  • Teen Pregnancy and "Boyfriends"

    What is the impact of a teenage pregnancy on the life of the teen and her family? We’ll spend this hour with KERA reporter Sujata Dand who’s collected the stories of several teens with kids of their own while researching her multi-media project “Boyfriends: Inside the World of Teenagers and Their Relationships.”

  • Man vs. Weather

    Can we really predict the weather? Our guest this hour Dennis DiClaudio wants to help you try. DiClaudio, a humorist and improv comedian, will join us this hour to give his take on the weather and discuss his new book “Man vs. Weather: Be Your Own Weatherman” (Penguin, 2008).

  • The Untold Story of American Prisoners during the Revolutionary War

    Who are the unknown heroes of the Revolutionary War? According to our guest this hour, City University of New York historian Edwin G. Burrows, they are the thousands of Americans captured by the British during the conflict. He’ll join us this hour to tell their stories. Burrows’ new book is “Forgotten Patriots: The Untold Story […]

  • Waltz with Bashir

    Can film conquer the demons of war? We’ll talk this hour with director Ari Folman who deconstructs nightmares, memories and the first Lebanon War of the early eighties in his new animated film “Waltz with Bashir” (Sony Classics).

  • Truth and Lies about Why We Buy

    What motivates us to want products that we may not even need? We’ll explore the psychology behind consumption this hour with global marketing guru Martin Lindstrom whose new book is “Buy-ology: Truth and Lies about Why We Buy” (Doubleday, 2008).

  • A New Foreign Policy for the United States

    Where is America’s foreign policy headed? What can we expect from the Obama Administrations newly named national security team? We’ll talk this evening with Seyom Brown, the John Goodwin Tower Distinguished Chair in International Politics and National Security at SMU and author of the new book “Higher Realism: A New Foreign Policy for the United […]

  • After Mumbai: The Future of India-Pakistan Relations

    How will last week’s Mumbai terror attacks affect the fragile relationship between India and Pakistan? We’ll talk this hour with Kamran Bokhari, Director of Middle East Analysis for Stratfor, a private intelligence company based in Austin, Texas.

  • The Collision of Old and New Media

    How is the ongoing media convergence changing American culture and society? We’ll explore the topic this hour with MIT Comparative Media Studies Director, Professor Henry Jenkins. Jenkins is also the author of “Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide” (NYU Press, Paperback, 2008).