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  • Where Have All the Predators Gone?

    Where have all the predators gone and why were they important in the first place? We’ll spend this hour with nature writer William Stolzenburg whose new book is “Where the Wild Things Were: Life, Death, and Ecological Wreckage in a Land of Vanishing Predators” (Bloomsbury, 2008).

  • The Recruiter

    How is the U.S. Army filling its recruitment quota? Filmmaker Edet Belzberg will join us to discuss the hard work of Sergeant Clay Usie and the experiences of several of his recruits. She profiles them in her new film “THE RECRUITER” which premieres on HBO this evening.

  • Ralph Babb, Comerica Bank

    CEO Ralph Babb Jr is banking on the state’s population growth and better-than-average economy to shore up Comerica’s financial health.

  • D Magazine's Best of Big D

    What’s big in Big D this year? We’ll find out this hour with D Magazine editors Eric Celeste, Nancy Nichols, and Sarah Eveans who put together the current “Best of Big D” issue.

  • A Lost Generation Love Story

    Who were the Murphys and why were they so influential in the 20the Century Art World? We’ll revisit the 1920s Paris scene this hour with Amanda Vaill author of “Everybody Was So Young: Gerald and Sarah Murphy, a Lost Generation Love Story” (Broadway Paperback, 1999). She’ll speak at the Dallas Museum of Art this evening.

  • War, Peace, and Diplomacy

    What does war do to a society? What has it done to ours? We’ll talk this hour with Colonel Ann Wright, the senior-most U.S. official to publicly resign in protest of the Iraq War. She’ll speak to the Dallas peace Center this evening.

  • Taking on the Media Bullies and Other Reflections

    Who gets to decide how African Americans should be portrayed in the media and in popular culture? Author and poet Ishmael Reed tackles the issue in his new collection “Mixing It Up: Taking on the Media Bullies and Other Reflections” (Da Capo, 2008). We’ll talk with him this hour.

  • The Role of Identity in Democracy

    Does a nation’s collective identity have an influence on its governance? We’ll discuss the issue this hour with former Israeli deputy prime minister and Soviet dissident and political prisoner Natan Sharansky. His latest book is “Defending Identity: Its Indispensible Role in Protecting Democracy” (Public Affairs, 2008).

  • In Support of Off-Shore Drilling

    Last week, President Bush lifted the off-shore drilling moratorium. Will this have an impact on energy prices? We’ll talk this hour with Max Schulz – senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Energy Policy and the Environment – who supports Bush’s action.

  • A Proposed League of Democracies

    Has the United Nations outlived its purpose? Thomas Carothers writes about the proposed new League of Democracies in his current Foreign Policy Magazine piece “A League of Their Own.” Carothers will join us this hour.