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  • The Unforeseen

    Why is development such a hot-topic issue? We’ll examine a recent conflict in Austin, Texas and how it reflects similar struggles all over the country with documentarian Laura Dunn. Her film, “The Unforeseen,” is in theaters now.

  • Why Men Matter Why Women Should Care

    Is the male gender worth your renewed respect? Nationally syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker thinks so. She’ll join us this hour to discuss her new book “Save the Males: Why Men Matter Why Women Should Care” (Random House, 2008).

  • In Midlife, Still Dreaming an Olympic Dream

    What sacrifices would you make to achieve a life-long dream? Journalist W. Hodding Carter chronicles his personal catharsis in the new book “Off the Deep End: The Probably Insane Idea that I Could Swim My Way Through a Midlife Crisis – And Qualify for the Olympics” (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2008).

  • How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It

    Gasoline is expensive, but have you compared gas prices to what you’re paying for bottled water? Here’s a hint – a 20 ounce bottle of water at $1.99 is equivalent to $12.74 per gallon – for water. And we pay these prices every day. We’ll spend this hour with journalist Elizabeth Royte, author of “Bottlemania: […]

  • Mexico City, The Capital of the 21st Century

    Have you visited Mexico City? Journalist David Lida did 20 years ago and was mesmerized by the place and its residents. He moved back for good 5 years later. Lida’s new book is “First Stop in the New World: Mexico City, The Capital of the 21st Century” (Riverhead Books, 2008). We’ll talk with Lida this […]

  • Earth Day and You: What You Can Do

    What will you do this year to reduce your impact on the environment? In honor of Earth Day, we discussed the options with Melinda Haggerty, Sustainability Communications Coordinator for the City of Plano’s Live Green Initiative.

  • How Generation X Got the Shaft but Can Still Keep Everything from Sucking

    Remember back before there was ever talk of Generation Y or the Millennials? Remember that time before anyone had really heard of email let alone used it? Remember when Generation X was the problem generation? We looked back in April with Details editor-at-large Jeff Gordinier. His recent book claims that Gen X has actually (and […]

  • An Epic Adventure in Local Living

    Could you live “off the grid” for a yeareat locally, use solar power, and erase your carbon footprint? Doug Fine tried it and learned more than he thought he would about himself and abut what “green” really means. He joined us for an hour to discuss his book “Farewell, My Subaru: An Epic Adventure in […]