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  • Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?

    Where is Osama bin Laden? We’ll discuss the question and ponder potential answers this hour with filmmaker Morgan Spurlock. His new film is appropriately titled “Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?”

  • Fort Worth's Place in the World of Art

    What made Fort Worth great? Before you argue that cattle put Cowtown on the map, consider the importance of Art in the city’s 20th Century rise to prominence. We’ll do just that this evening with Dave Hickey, Fort Worth native, art critic, and Schaeffer Professor of Modern Letters at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

  • Leaving Prostitution and Beginning a New Life

    From former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer to Dallas girls – according to news reports – as young as 12 and 13 years old, prostitution can ruin lives at any socio-economic level and on both sides of the sex trade. We’ll talk this hour with someone who’s trying to change that. Candace Cain is the […]

  • An Epic Adventure in Local Living

    Could you live “off the grid” for a year – eat locally, use solar power, and erase your carbon footprint? Doug Fine tried it and learned more than he thought he would about himself and abut what “green” really means. He’ll join us this hour to discuss his book “Farewell, My Subaru: An Epic Adventure […]

  • Women and The Islamic World

    Do Americans take human rights for granted? We’ll discuss what it’s really like to fight for one’s rights with free speech champion and famed former Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Her two international bestsellers “Infidel” (Free Press) and “The Caged Virgin” (Free Press) have just been released in paperback.

  • How Generation X Got the Shaft but Can Still Keep Everything from Sucking

    Remember back before there was ever talk of Generation Y or the Millennials? Remember that time before anyone had really heard of email let alone used it? Remember when Generation X was the problem generation? We’ll look back this hour with Details editor-at-large Jeff Gordinier. His new book claims that Gen X has actually (and […]

  • The Branch Davidian Stand-Off, 15 Years Later

    The Branch Davidian stand-off in Waco has been called a “watershed moment for law enforcement” by many, including our guest this hour. Byron Sage was the FBI’s lead negotiator during the standoff which occurred 15 years ago this month. We’ll also be joined by Pamela Colloff, whose Texas Monthly oral-history piece “The Fire That Time” […]

  • The Storied History of the Texas Rangers

    Who were the early Texas Rangers and just how did they earn their reputation for ruthlessness? We’ll find out with Mike Cox, author of the new and incredibly detailed history “The Texas Rangers: Wearing the Cinco Peso 1821-1900” (Forge, 2008).

  • Campaign '08 and The Media

    Are the candidates focusing on the right issues and can the campaign trail really prepare the next President for office? We’ll cover these topics and more this hour with Bob Schieffer of CBS’s Face the Nation. He’ll be in town later this week for a TCU Schieffer School of Journalism Symposium appropriately titled “Is Campaign […]

  • The Foster Care System

    What can be done to help children in poverty and in the foster care system? We’ll talk this hour with Andrew Bridge, who overcame the challenges of his childhood to become an advocate for kids in similar circumstances. His new book is “Hope’s Boy: A Memoir” (Hyperion, 2008).