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  • Bush's War

    For over six years and more than 40 episodes, PBS’s FRONTLINE has reported on the war against terrorism. We’ll talk with veteran producer Michael Kirk this hour about next week’s two-part FRONTLINE special “Bush’s War,” which draws on this archive and adds perspective through fresh reporting and new interviews.

  • The Future of Dance

    Where is dance headed? We’ll find out this hour with award-winning choreographer, dancer and director Bill T. Jones. Jones is in town to address the Nasher Salon at the Nasher Sculpture Center this evening.

  • Why We Suffer

    Why is suffering a constant state of human existence? How does the Bible address this condition? We’ll spend this hour with Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman, whose new book is “God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer” (Harper One, 2008).

  • The New Atheists

    Are hard-core atheists as dangerous to America as extremely fundamental Christians? Chris Hedges thinks so. We’ll talk with Hedges this hour about what he calls “The New Atheists” led by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris. Hedges’ new book is “I Don’t Believe in Atheists” (Free Press, 2008).

  • The US Military Index

    After 5 years of conflict in Iraq and an even longer on-going deployment in Afghanistan, what is the state of the military? We’ll find out what more than 3,400 active and retired officers think this hour with U.S. Army Lt. Colonel John Nagl and Foreign Policy Magazine senior editor Mike Boyer. “The U.S. Military Index” […]

  • Modern Day Slavery

    It’s hard to imagine, but according to journalist E. Benjamin Skinner, “there are more slaves today than at any point in human history.” We’ll talk with Skinner this hour. His new book is “A Crime So Monstrous: Face to Face with Modern-Day Slavery” (Free Press, 2008).

  • Mysteries of the Middle Ages

    What do we know about the Middle Ages and how the period influenced art, technology, and Western society? We’ll look back this hour with historian Thomas Cahill, author of “Mysteries of the Middle Ages: And the Beginning of the Modern World” (Nan A. Talese Anchor Books, Paperback, 2008). Cahill will speak to the Dallas Museum […]

  • Insomnia

    Couldn’t get to sleep last night? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans complain of insomnia at least a few nights a week. What causes it and what are the health risks associated with the condition? We’ll spend this hour with Gayle Greene, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the […]

  • Bob Bullock: God Bless Texas

    Where does Texas politics get its swagger? Some might argue that Bob Bullock had a hand in crafting that image. We’ll remember the legendary Bullock this evening with journalists Dave McNeely and Jim Henderson who write about “The Largest Texan” in their new book “Bob Bullock: God Bless Texas” (University of Texas Press, 2008). Judge […]

  • Body Image and Acceptance

    What factors influence a woman’s image of her own body and how can women achieve body acceptance? We’ll spend this hour with SMU’s Psychology Professor Katherine Presnell and Journalism Professor Camille Kraeplin who are studying how the media influences body image and how cognitive dissonance exercises may help.