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  • The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation

    How does an important government process like the massive 2002 investigation by the 9/11 Commission really work – especially when it’s being thwarted at almost every turn? We’ll talk this hour with New York Times investigative reporter Philip Shenon, whose new book is “The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation” (Twelve, 2008).

  • The 80th Academy Awards

    The 80th Academy Awards will be handed out this Sunday, February 24th. Who are your favorites for best actor? And which films would you like to see win? We’ll preview the Oscars this hour with Christopher Kelly of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Stephen Becker of the Dallas Morning News.

  • From the Archives: Crazy for God

    Think is on holiday. We hope you’ll enjoy an archive edition of the show this hour with Frank Schaeffer, author of the book “Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back” (Carroll and Graf, 2007).

  • Independent Minds: John Adams

    Think is on holiday. We hope you’ll enjoy the special program, “Independent Minds: John Adams” instead.

  • The State of Energy and Fort Worth Circle Artists

    Where will we find our energy in the coming decades? According to Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D., president of the Institute for Energy and Environment Research, the current energy crises is compounded by climate disruption, insecurity of oil supply, and nuclear proliferation. Makhijani, who’s speaking all over Texas this week, will join us this evening.

  • Petroleum's Long, Strange Trip to Your Tank

    When you fill ‘er up at the gas station, do you ever wonder about where gasoline comes from and what it took to get it there? Journalist Lisa Margonelli does. And it was that curiosity that prompted her book, now out in paperback, “Oil on the Brain: Petroleum’s Long, Strange Trip to Your Tank” (Broadway, […]

  • Kit Carson

    Who was Kit Carson and how did his emergence on the scene of the American West mirror the growth of the United States and the decline of the Native American Nations that preceded it? The PBS American Experience film “Kit Carson” will examine the historic and controversial figure on Monday, February 18th. We’ll talk with […]

  • New Hope for ADHD

    What is ADHD and how can a different learning strategy help when medication can’t necessarily offer enough? We’ll talk this hour with Sandra B. Chapman, Ph.D. and Jacquelyn F. Gamino, Ph.D. who presented the lecture “Get Smart: New Hope for ADHD” earlier this week at the UTD Center for Brain Health’s “The Brain: An Owner’s […]

  • A History of Conversation

    Are we losing the ability to converse and what can be done to preserve the art and practice of conversation in our go-fast society? We’ll find out this hour with essayist Stephen Miller, author of the new book “Conversation: A History of a Declining Art” (Yale, 2008).

  • The Battle for Latin America's Soul

    What does the future hold for Latin America? According to Economist Americas Editor Michael Reid, a prosperous, fairer, and more democratic Latin America is just over the horizon. Reid’s new book on the subject is “Forgotten Continent: The Battle for Latin America’s Soul” (Yale, 2008).