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  • Creativity and Aging

    Can aging actually help make you smarter? We’ll talk with Dr. Gene Cohen, Director of the Center on Aging, Health, and Humanities at George Washington University. He’ll be in town tomorrow to speak at the UTD Center for Brain Health’s “The Brain: An Owner’s Guide” lecture series.

  • The Untold Secrets of Russia's Master Spy in America After the End of the Cold War

    What is still to be learned about the post-Cold War relationship between the U.S. and Russia? We’ll find out this hour with Journalist Pete Earley, whose new book reveals a lot. It’s called “Comrade J: The Untold Secrets of Russia’s Master Spy in America After the End of the Cold War” (Putnam, 2008).

  • The President and The Texas Primary

    Earlier this week, President Bush delivered the final State of the Union Address of his presidency and Florida voters cast their ballots in an important Republican Primary in the run-up to the February 5th Super Tuesday vote. What are Bush’s major goals for his last year in office and will Texas have a say in […]

  • Trivia With Ken Jennings's

    Think you know trivia? We’ll find out this hour with Ken Jennings, the greatest champion in the history of the TV quiz show JEOPARDY! and the author of the new book “Ken Jennings’s Trivia Almanac: 8,888 Questions in 365 Days” (Villard, 2008).

  • A World Without Islam

    What would the world be like without the galvanizing force of a major worldwide religion like Islam? According to Graham Fuller, former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the CIA and adjunct professor of History at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, the world would be essentially the same. We’ll discuss his ideas and […]

  • Planned Parenthood

    Planned Parenthood is perhaps primarily known for its work in the reproductive rights arena. We’ll spend this hour with National President Cecile Richards to discuss the other work that Planned Parenthood is doing, including women’s health and prescription drug assistance.

  • How the U.S. Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise

    How will the U.S. face the increasing influence and growing economic power of other countries? We’ll talk with Nina Hachigian, Senior Vice President at the Center for American Progress and co-author of the new book, “The Next American Century: How the U.S. Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise” (Simon and Schuster, 2008).

  • Egypt's Role in the Middle East

    What role does Egypt play in the Middle East and how can the United States and Egypt work together to ensure a peaceful future in the region? We’ll spend this hour with His Excellency Nabil Fahmy, Ambassador of Egypt to the United States, who’s in town to address the World Affairs Council of Dallas Fort […]