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  • The Hypocrisy of Disco

    What was your childhood like? Clane Hayward spent her first thirteen years in a series of communes, campsites, and makeshift homes before running away and eventually joining the U.S. Navy. A teacher in Austin, Texas today, Hayward has just published “The Hypocrisy of Disco: A Memoir” (Chronicle Books, 2007). She’ll join us for the hour.

  • The Story of India

    India, home to one of the oldest and most influential civilizations on the Earth is now poised to become a global leader once again. Michael Wood, historian and filmmaker, who’s just published his latest book “India” (Basic Books, 2007), will join us this hour to discuss the country’s fascinating culture and to preview his forthcoming […]

  • Helping Me Help Myself

    Can we really help ourselves? Self-help gurus certainly want you to believe the hype, buy their books, and attend those seminars. Writer and performer Beth Lisick spent 2006 test-driving a dozen different programs for her new book “Helping me Help Myself: One Skeptic, Ten Self-Help Gurus, and a Year on the Brink of the Comfort […]

  • The Trouble with Diversity: How We Learned to Love Identity and Ignore Inequality

    From the Archives – Is there a problem with the current idea of diversity? Walter Benn Michaels, professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago, argues that our cultural focus on identity might allow economic inequalities to flourish. His book on the subject is “The Trouble with Diversity: How We Learned to Love […]

  • What Politics Has Taught Me about Friendship, Rivalry, Reputation, and Success

    From the Archives – What can we learn from politicians? We spent an hour last month with Chris Matthews, star of MSNBC’s Hardball and NBC’s The Chris Matthews Show. Matthews has put some 40 years of experience and observation into his new book “Life’s a Campaign: What Politics Has Taught Me about Friendship, Rivalry, Reputation, […]

  • Climate Change and Texas

    From the Archives – What are Texans doing to mitigate climate change? We talked in December with NPR Reporter John Burnett, whose Climate Connections series on Texas nationally last month. We were also joined by Professor Andrew Dessler of Texas AandM University’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences.

  • A Conservation with NPR's Scott Simon

    From the Archives – You know Scott Simon. He’s the guy you share your coffee with on Saturday mornings. He’s the ever-frustrated Chicago Cubs fan who you love to commiserate with. He’s the host of Weekend Edition Saturday from NPR. We spent an hour with Scott Simon, when he was in town for the November […]

  • Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations with Gerald R. Ford

    From the Archives – Who was the real President Gerald R. Ford and how did he want to be remembered by the American people? We talked in November with journalist Thomas M. DeFrank, whose new book is “Write It When I’m Gone: Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations with Gerald R. Ford” (Putnam, 2007).

  • The Leaders We Need: And What Makes Us Follow

    From the Archives – What exemplifies good leadership and what motivates some to lead and others to follow? We talked in November with a leader in the field of leadership. Michael Maccoby is a psychoanalyst, anthropologist, consultant, and the author of the forthcoming book “The Leaders We Need: And What Makes Us Follow” (Harvard Business […]

  • Grace and Gumption: Stories of Fort Worth Women

    From the Archives – Who are the women that made Fort Worth great? We learned about many of the colorful characters in Fort Worth history in November with Katie Sherrod, editor of the new collection, “Grace and Gumption: Stories of Fort Worth Women” (TCU Press, 2007).