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  • Holiday Ethics

    At a time when we’re all likely giving and receiving gifts, it might be worthwhile to discuss the ethical implications of the holiday season. To that end, we’ll spend this hour with Dr. Bruce Weinstein, The Ethics Guy.

  • The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-Line Employee

    How does a company get the best from its employees? Journalist Alex Frankel decided to go undercover to find out. He writes of his experiences working for companies like UPS, Gap and Starbucks in the new book “Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-Line Employee” (Collins, 2007).

  • What the Gospels Really Teach about Jesus' Birth

    What do we really know about the birth of Christ and how does it relate to our current celebration of Christmas? We’ll talk this hour with John Dominic Crossan, co-author of “The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach about Jesus’ Birth” (Harper One, 2007).

  • Kids and the Holidays

    How much do commercials influence children and what are some strategies for helping kids learn to give and not just receive? Our first guest this hour is Dr. Susan Linn, director of the Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood at Harvard’s Judge Baker Children’s Center. In the second half of the hour we’ll talk with Colleen […]

  • Top Stories of 2007

    What political and news events shaped 2007 more than others? We’ll talk this evening with William McKenzie of the Dallas Morning News and Bob Ray Sanders of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Our Scene segment will feature a piece by KERA Executive Producer Rob Tranchin. As you’ll see, “Million Dollar Monarch” is a profile of not […]

  • Food and Wine for the Holidays

    Are you wondering what foods and wines to serve this holiday season? We’ll talk this hour with sommelier and wine expert Darryl Beeson and El Centro Food and Hospitality program coordinator and chef instructor Chef Chris LaLonde. We’ll also take your calls and answer your food and wine-related questions.

  • The Life and Legends of Ethel Merman

    How did a stenographer from Queens, New York become a premiere star of golden-age Broadway? We’ll spend this hour with Caryl Flinn, professor of Women’s Studies and Media Arts at the University of Arizona, and author of the new biography “Brass Diva: The Life and Legends of Ethel Merman” (University of California Press, 2007).

  • Condoleezza Rice: An American Life

    Who is Condoleezza Rice? She’s an accomplished and often controversial figure who some say is the most powerful woman in the world. We’ll spend this hour with journalist Elisabeth Bumiller, author of the new biography “Condoleezza Rice: An American Life” (Random House, 2007).

  • A Diplomat Home from Iraq

    We hear news from Iraq daily, but what is the current state of the reconstruction effort? We’ll talk this hour with Stephen Lindsey, Deputy Senior Advisor and Program Director in the U.S. State Department’s Iraq Transition Office. Lindsey, a native of Fort Worth, is home on leave from Baghdad.

  • 2007 – The Pop Culture Year in Review

    What were your favorite (and not so favorite) pop-culture moments of 2007 and what excites you about 2008? We’ll take a look back and peer into the future this hour with Cary Darling of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Andrea Grimes of the Dallas Observer, and Zac Crain of D Magazine.