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  • Allies at a Crossroad: Turkey and the United States

    The strong alliance between the United States and Turkey dates back to the early years of the Cold War. But today, new challenges threaten this longstanding partnership. This hour, we’ll air the America Abroad special “Allies at a Crossroad: Turkey and the United States.” More information is available at

  • Tales from a Sports Broadcasting Insider

    From the archives – Anyone in the broadcasting business around here knows the name Bill Mercer. And anyone who considers themselves a sports fan has probably heard his voice. In September we spent an hour with Mercer, whose 50+ year career as a broadcaster and broadcasting instructor continues today. His recent memoir is “Play-By- Play: […]

  • A Conversation with NPR's Scott Simon

    You know Scott Simon. He’s the guy you share your coffee with on Saturday mornings. He’s the ever-frustrated Chicago Cubs fan who you love to commiserate with. He’s the host of Weekend Edition Saturday from NPR. We’ll spend this hour with Scott Simon, who’s in town to speak at the Highland Park Literary Festival tonight.

  • Did I Steal My Daughter?

    What do parents who adopt children from abroad really know about the child’s circumstances and background? Our guest this hour, journalist Elizabeth Larsen, plunged headfirst into the world of international adoption when her family adopted a young girl from Guatemala. She writes about the experience in “Did I Steal My Daughter?” which appears in the […]

  • Miss Navajo

    We’ve all seen pageants, but some of the skills required to win the Miss Navajo Nation beauty pageant might surprise you. We’ll find out what it takes to be Miss Navajo this hour with Sarah Ann Johnson Luther who wore the crown in 1966. We’ll also talk with her son, documentarian Billy Luther, whose film […]

  • Why We Remember, Why We Forget

    What makes memory possible and why do we forget the things that we forget? We’ll explore the realm of memory this hour with Joshua Foer, whose cover story “Remember This” appears in the November, 2007 issue of National Geographic Magazine.

  • Diversity and Society

    Is there a problem with the current idea of diversity? Walter Benn Michaels, professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago, argues that our cultural focus on identity might allow economic inequalities to flourish. His book on the subject is “The Trouble with Diversity: How We Learned to Love Identity and Ignore Inequality” […]

  • CRAZY and Mental Health in America

    Is the criminal justice system being used to warehouse the mentally ill? Pete Earley wrote about his son’s incarceration for crimes he might never have committed if doctors hadn’t initially refused to treat him in the 2006 book “CRAZY: A Father’s Search through America’s Mental Health Madness” (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2006). Earley’s in town to […]

  • Future Parks in Dallas

    Can Dallas become a beautiful city? There are several projects in the works that aim to make the city just that – beautiful. We’ll talk this hour with Jody Grant, Chairman of the Woodall Rodgers Park Foundation, which is planning a park over the freeway between the Arts District and Uptown. We’ll also be joined […]

  • William and Rosalie: A Holocaust Testimony

    From the archives – Millions of European Jews did not survive the Holocaust, but some did. In September we talked with two of those survivors, William and Rosalie Schiff. We were also joined by Craig Hanley, the journalist who has helped bring their story to the fore. Their manuscript won last year’s UNT Mayborn Literary […]