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  • Language as a Window into Human Nature

    What is the nature of the mind? According to Harvard Professor Steven Pinker, language reflects the “distinctively human model of reality, which differs in major ways form the objective understanding of reality eked out by our best science and logic.” Pinker will join us for the hour to discuss his research and his new book […]

  • Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush

    How will history view the Bush Administration? Journalist Robert Draper spent two years interviewing some 200 individuals including the President and his top officials and advisors for the book “Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush” (Free Press, 2007). Draper will be our guest this hour.

  • My Kid Could Paint That

    Can a 4-year-old create important art? In 2004, Marla Olmstead, a 4-year-old from Binghamton, NY, sold over $300,000 worth of paintings in a few months and quickly became famous in the art-media world. Then, a 60 Minutes expose suggested that her father may have actually painted the artworks. Our guest this hour, filmmaker Amir Bar-Lev, […]

  • 50 Years Reporting in Washington

    Journalism has certainly changed in the past five decades and Robert D. Novak has been there for it all. No stranger to controversy himself, Novak has covered every administration since Harry Truman and he writes about it all in his new memoir. Robert Novak will join us this hour to discuss his career and new […]

  • Dave Barry's History of the Millennium (So Far)

    How’s the millennium going? Why not ask famous humor writer Dave Barry? Barry’s in town for a Fort Worth Star-Telegram event at Bass Hall, but he’s agreed to join us for the hour to talk about his new book “Dave Barry’s History of the Millennium (So Far)” (Putnam, 2007), his apparent (according to his bio) […]

  • A Conversation with Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert

    What does the future hold for Dallas and where is the city headed? We’ll discuss the state of things with recently-elected Mayor Tom Leppert this evening. Photographer Frank Gohlke will join us during the Scene segment to discuss his unique approach to landscape. His work can be seen in “Accommodating Nature: The Photographs of Frank […]

  • Washington, Lafayette, and their Revolutions

    Did the French and American Revolutions affect one another? They most certainly did, according to journalist and author James R. Gaines. Gaines examines the complex relationship between France and America at its earliest roots in his new book “For Liberty and Glory: Washington, Lafayette, and their Revolutions” (Norton, 2007). James Gaines will be out guest […]

  • Secrets of the Amazon

    What can we learn from the Amazon? Perhaps no one is better suited to answer that question than Dr. Mark J. Plotkin. The renowned ethnobotanist, plant explorer and author of “Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice” will join us this hour to talk about his recent trip to the Amazon and his work with the Amazon […]

  • National Geographic Channel's "Inside the Living Body"

    What’s going on inside your body right now? Dr. Stephen Marsh can tell you. Marsh interviewed over 200 experts in 45 fields of medicine from prestigious research and medical institutions around the world for the new National Geographic Channel program “Inside the Living Body” which premieres on Sunday, September 16th. Dr. Marsh will join us […]

  • The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation

    What factors influence your political choices? According to Professor Drew Westen, emotion plays a much more important role than reason. He’ll join us this hour to discuss his recent book “The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation” (PublicAffairs, 2007).