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  • Less Desirable People: Racism and the Politics of Immigration

    How does the current immigration debate in North Texas compare with the climate in the early 20th Century? We’ll spend the hour with Michael Phillips, author of “White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001” (University of Texas Press). Phillips will deliver the talk “Less Desirable People: Racism and the Politics of Immigration” at […]

  • The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver

    Last month the U.S. Federal Claims Court began hearings concerning alleged links between vaccines and autism. How can vaccination, a procedure that has saved millions of lives be so controversial? We’ll discuss the case and the history of vaccination with Slate’s “Risk” columnist Arthur Allen, who explores the subject in his recent book “VACCINE: The […]

  • Fair Play: The Moral Dilemmas of Spying (Potomac Books, 2006)

    From the archives: Should countries spy on each other? Should our government spy on us? We examined the spy game, its benefits and detriments in May with James M. Olson. Olson teaches at Texas AandM University, but before that he served as the chief of CIA counterintelligence at CIA headquarters. He’s also served overseas in […]

  • The Trials of Darryl Hunt

    From the archives: What happens when a young man is accused and convicted of a brutal rape and murder that he didn’t commit? It happened to Darryl Hunt in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in 1984. Hunt spent 10 years in prison before DNA testing exonerated him of the rape. He spent another 10 years in jail […]

  • A Story of Passion and Daring

    From the archives: We often think of ourselves as the pinnacle of life on the planet. But the largest and tallest living organisms are very different from us. They’re the magnificent coastal redwoods of Northern California. Author Richard Preston was our guest in May. He profiles the trees, their explorers and the lost ecosystems they […]

  • Sam Gilliland, Sabre-Travelocity

    Sam Gilliland was elected to the board of directors for Sabre Holdings and named the company’s president and CEO in December 2003.

  • The TXU Deal and Consumers

    Will consumers benefit from the sale of TXU? The Dallas Morning News wrapped up a three-part series which featured a commissioned study of the proposed sale yesterday. We’ll spend this hour with Elizabeth Souder and Randy Lee Loftis, Morning News staff writers who wrote the series of reports.

  • How Our Borders and Boundaries Shaped the Country and Forged Our National Identity

    What makes a country? What makes America what it is today? Author Andro Linklater argues that the changing territorial markers and frontiers played an important role in the creation of our country’s personality. His new book is “The Fabric of America: How Our Borders and Boundaries Shaped the Country and Forged Our National Identity” (Walker, […]

  • Iran: The Grand Strategy

    Is conflict with Iran inevitable? How can already over-stretched U.S. State and Defense Departments strategically deal with Iran? We’ll explore the situation and potential outcomes this hour with Christopher A. Preble, Ph.D., Director of Foreign Policy Studies at the CATO Institute. He’ll speak to the Dallas Fort Worth World Affairs Council this evening.

  • 1000 Places to See in the USA and Canada Before You Die

    Are you looking for summer travel-plans, but don’t want to go overseas? What places should be on your life-list to visit? We’ll talk domestic travel this hour with Patricia Schultz, author of “1000 Places to See in the USA and Canada Before You Die ” (Workman, 2007).