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  • The Rise of America's Accidental Cities

    Thirty years ago, life in the suburbs still meant tranquility, a slower pace, and insulation from the problems of big cities. Today, those suburbs are among the fastest-growing cities in America. What is fueling the growth and what are the implications for our country? We’ll spend this hour with Robert E. Lang, Director of the […]

  • The New Science of Weight Loss – and the Myths and Realities of Dieting

    Why do we get fat and what are the real risks of those extra pounds? New York Times science writer, Gina Kolata, examined America’s obsession with weight loss and found interesting connections to money, politics, and power. Kolata will join us this hour to discuss her new book “Rethinking Thin: The New Science of Weight […]

  • America's $2 Trillion Medical Problem – and the Consumer-Driven Cure

    Should your health care decisions be yours, or should your treatment options be decided by health insurance companies? We’ll examine the current state of the American heath care system with Regina Herzlinger, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of “Who Killed Health Care? America’s $2 Trillion Medical Problem – and the Consumer-Driven Cure” […]

  • Foreign Policy's "2007 Failed States Index"

    According to Foreign Policy Magazine and the Fund for Peace, “few encouraging signs emerged in 2006 to suggest that the world is on a path to greater peace and stability.” What makes a country stable? What factors signify a country as a “failed state?” We’ll discuss the 2007 Failed States Index with Pauline Baker, Executive […]

  • Starting Over – Refugees in America

    What’s it like to leave your homeland to seek asylum in the United States? Wednesday, June 20th marked the 7th Annual World Refugee Day as established by the United Nations General Assembly. We’ll discuss the challenges of refugee resettlement this evening with Marc Jennings, Regional Director for the International Rescue Committee. We’ll also talk with […]

  • Revolutionary Wealth: How it will be Created and How it will Change Our Lives

    What does the future hold for our nation and for the economy? Renowned futurist Alvin Toffler, with wife and co-author Heidi Toffler, just released their most recent book in paperback. He’ll join us this hour to discuss “Revolutionary Wealth: How it will be Created and How it will Change Our Lives” (Currency Doubleday, 2006).

  • Ethics with the Ethics Guy

    What do you do when you see someone accidentally drop a $20 bill? Do you pick it up and keep it or return it to the person? Say you find out that your neighbor’s wireless network is unprotected and you can easily access their internet service for free. Should you warn them to protect their […]

  • Blogging the Bible

    Have you read the Bible lately? Slate’s Deputy Editor David Plotz has. Plotz set out a year ago to read the entire Bible and blog about it along the way. He’ll join us this hour to discuss his “Blogging the Bible” project.

  • Why Women Really Quit Careers and Head Home

    What happens to women who make the difficult decision to leave their careers behind to stay at home and raise children? How hard is it for them to re-enter the workforce years later? We’ll examine the challenges and implications of such decisions this hour with Associate Professor of Sociology at Hunter College and The Graduate […]

  • Legality and the Presidency – 35 Years After Watergate

    Thirty-five years ago, a break-in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the Washington D.C. Watergate Hotel spelled the beginning of the end for President Richard Nixon. What have we learned about the power of the Presidency in years since? What have presidents learned about what’s possible and what’s not possible. We’ll discuss it this […]