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  • The Uncommon Life of Your Common Cold

    Will there ever be a cure for the common cold? We’ll talk this hour with author and scientist Jennifer Ackerman who examines the virus, remedies that help and some that might actually make you feel worse in her new book “Ah-Choo: The Uncommon Life of Your Common Cold” (Twelve, 2010).

  • From Rising Skirt Lengths to the Collapse of World Powers

    How important are the prevailing human moods in society to the affairs and big events of the world? We’ll talk this hour with social researcher John L. Casti, whose new book is “Mood Matters: From Rising Skirt Lengths to the Collapse of World Powers” (Springer, 2010).

  • Robots in Space

    Will the sci-fi fantasy of robots in outer space become a reality through the work of a group of local engineers? We’ll discuss NASA’s project for stationing autonomous robots on Mars with Kamesh Namuduri, associate professor of electrical engineering at the University of North Texas and leader of a team of UNT researchers working to […]

  • Defending Against the Death Penalty

    What will it take to finally eliminate bias against the poor and people of color in the American criminal justice system? We’ll spend this hour with Bryan Stevenson, Executive Director of Equal Justice Initiative Alabama. Stevenson will address the SMU Embrey Human Rights Program “Death Penalty Matters” lecture series this evening.

  • The Revolution in DNA Sequencing

    What will happen to medical care if we’re able to address specific genetic issues apparent in our own individual genomic sequences? We’ll find out this hour with editor-in-chief of “Bio-IT World” and author Kevin Davies whose new book is “The $1,000 Genome: The Revolution in DNA Sequencing and the New Era of Personalized Medicine” (Free […]

  • Humans & Super-Intelligent Machines

    Are autonomous and intelligent robots simply the stuff of science fiction or will they be a reality before we know it? Should humans be worried? We’ll talk this hour with acclaimed science fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer who’ll deliver the UTD Center for Values in Medicine, Science and Technology “Exploring Human Enhancement” Lecture Tonight.

  • The Future of Iraq

    Now that the last official American combat troops have pulled out of Iraq, what will the future hold for the country they leave behind? We’ll talk this hour with Ambassador Ryan Crocker who served as the United States Ambassador to Iraq from 2007 to 2009. Crocker, who became Dean of Texas A&M’s George Bush School […]

  • Inside Tea Party America

    What is the Tea Party really all about? We’ll explore the movement’s philosophical and cultural views and its chances for political success this hour with New York Times national correspondent Kate Zernike, author of the new book “Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America” (Times Books, 2010).

  • Advice for the Next Generation of Journalists

    Is journalism still important? What are the crucial things that future journalists should know? We’ll talk this hour with Fordham University assistant professor and former Moscow bureau chief for CBS News Beth Knobel. Her new book, co-written with journalist Mike Wallace, is “Heat and Light: Advice for the Next Generation of Journalists” (Three Rivers Press, […]

  • Bob Dylan In America

    Why does the work of Bob Dylan still captivate music fans almost 50 years after he first emerged on the scene? We’ll spend the hour with Dylan historian Sean Wilentz whose new book is “Bob Dylan In America” (Doubleday, 2010).