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  • Growing, Making & Tasting Chocolate

    What’s great about chocolate? Where is the best cacao grown and what goes into getting it on the plate? We’ll discuss every step of the process this hour with chocolate expert Adrienne Newman, Wiseman House Chocolatier Kevin Wenzel and Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek Executive Pastry Chef David Collier. They’re all participants in this weekend’s […]

  • The President's Visit & Looking Ahead to November

    What did this week’s quick Texas visit by President Obama mean for Texas politics and how will his administration’s successes and challenges influence the looming November elections? We’ll spend this hour with Bud Kennedy of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Bill McKenzie of the Dallas Morning News.

  • Adventures in the Margin of Error

    How hard is it for you to admit you’re wrong when you’re wrong and why are we, as humans, so bad at accepting our errors? Kathryn Schulz looks into this phenomenon regularly on her Slate blog “The Wrong Stuff.” Her new book is “Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error” (Ecco, 2010). We’ll talk […]

  • Audrey Hepburn & the Dawn of the Modern Woman

    Where and when did the modern American woman emerge in pop culture and society? According to journalist Sam Wasson, it had a lot to do with the silver screen character Holly Golightly. Wasson will join us this hour to discuss his new book “Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M.: Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and the Dawn […]

  • The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race

    Is humanity still at risk from Cold War weapons, out-dated attack strategies, and largely forgotten but still active computer systems? We’ll talk this hour with journalist David Hoffman whose Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy” (Anchor Books, Paperback, 2010), is now out […]

  • Photographing India's Wild Kingdom

    What did it take to get that perfect shot on your last trip? If you’re National Geographic photographer Steve Winter, you probably risked your life and the trip was no vacation. We’ll talk with Winter this hour about his work photographing tigers and rhinos and his piece “India’s Grassland Kingdom” which appears in the August, […]

  • Must-Have Gadgets

    Do you lose sleep the night before the launch of the newest addictive gadget? Can you envision your very own 3D camera recording your next family celebration? We’ll discuss the latest consumer-grade technologies, the next big must-have contraptions, and the nasty competition for industry dominance with Victor Godinez, technology reporter for the Dallas Morning News. […]

  • Discovering the Trinity River Audubon Center

    What’s going on at the Trinity River Audubon Center? We’ll talk this hour with Chris Culak, Director of the Trinity River Audubon Center. He’ll speak at Valley House Gallery’s Salon Series tonight at 7pm.

  • Parents Dealing with Differences

    What does it take to raise kids with learning or other differences? We’ll spend this hour with Patricia Konjoian, parent and co-author of the book “Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid: A Survival Guide for Ordinary Parents of Special Children” (Three Rivers Press, Paperback, 2010).

  • Inside the Human Genome Project

    How has knowledge of the human genome changed our perception of the world and how is it influencing agriculture, energy and other important fields of study? We’ll talk this hour with veteran science journalist Victor K. McElheny author of “Drawing the Map of Life: Inside the Human Genome Project” (Basic Books, 2010).