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  • Pushing Biotech & Health Research Frontiers

    What is the future of biotech and what role are Texas institutions playing in healthcare innovation? We’ll spend this hour with Dr. Brett Giroir, Vice Chancellor for Research at Texas A&M University.

  • The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization

    We probably all take it for granted, but just how tenuous is our planet’s water supply and how will water influence our future? We’ll talk this hour with journalist Steven Solomon whose new book is “Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization” (Harper, 2010). Solomon speaks to the World Affairs Council of Dallas […]

  • The Unfinished Business Between Siblings

    How do sibling rivalries, established early in childhood, affect our adult lives and relationships? We’ll explore the issue this hour with Jane Isay, author of “Mom Still Likes You Best: The Unfinished Business Between Siblings” (Doubleday, 2010).

  • America and the Pill

    Fifty years ago this month the FDA approved the birth control pill. How did it change the world? We’ll look back this hour with historian Elaine Tyler May, author of the new book “America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril, and Liberation” (Basic Books, 2010).

  • Custer's Last Stand

    What is the real story behind the myth of Custer’s last battle? We’ll find out this hour with acclaimed historian and writer Nathaniel Philbrick, whose new book on the subject is “The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn” (Viking, 2010).

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    Jim Moroney, The Dallas Morning News

    Publisher and CEO Jim Moroney says The Dallas Morning News is waging a battle on two fronts – the loss of revenue combined with growing demands from the digital world.

  • Life as a Latter Day Advice Columnist

    When you need advice, to whom do you turn? Would you prefer a close friend or a complete stranger? We’ll explore the world and day-to-day process of the modern-day advice columnist this hour with Slate’s “Dear Prudence” writer Emily Yoffe.

  • An Iraqi Woman's Journey from the Heart of War

    How would you survive and escape if your country was wracked by violence and war? We’ll hear one such story this hour with CBS News correspondent Don Teague and former NBC News translator in Iraq, Rafraf Barrak. Their new book is “Saved by Her Enemy: An Iraqi woman’s journey from the heart of war to […]

  • Listening to Van Morrison

    What makes a performer truly great and should the more forgettable aspects of an artist’s output be dismissed when considering the whole? We’ll spend this hour with music writer and critic Greil Marcus who examines one such tumultuous musical career in his new book “When That Rough God Goes Riding: Listening to Van Morrison” (Public […]

  • How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education

    What’s missing in our country’s education system and what’s the best way to correct that shortcoming? We’ll examine current issues facing our schools this hour with Diane Ravitch, author of the new book “The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education” (Basic Books, 2010). Ravitch will […]