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  • Science Fair Season

    The United States may be falling behind overall when it comes to science and math education, but there are a few American kids who are achieving fantastic results in the world of high-stakes pre-college science fair competitions.

  • The Arabs: A History

    Are the recent revolts and protests in the Middle East a logical next step in the history of the Arab people and their culture?

  • The Social Challenges of High School

    Why is high school so hard for some kids and so easy for others? How can we help them all navigate the challenging and complex youth culture of today and still manage to learn something?

  • The Modern History of Cambodia

    What happened in Cambodia? We’ll examine the post-Khmer Rouge, post-Vietnamese and post-United Nations history of the country with Stanford University journalism professor and New York Times veteran reporter Joel Brinkley.

  • Yosemite's Superclimbers

    Who are today’s real adventure heroes? We’ll talk this hour with Mark Jenkins whose current National Geographic cover story “Yosemite’s Superclimbers” profiles a few athletes who are pushing the climbing envelope.