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  • The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward

    What went wrong with the economic policies advanced by the Reagan administration? We’ll talk this hour with former domestic policy adviser Bruce Bartlett, author of “The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).

  • Reporting the News

    Have the nuts and bolts of reporting the news changed to reflect the tumultuous media landscape over the last three decades? We’ll discuss the changing face of television journalism with Judy Woodruff, Senior Correspondent of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. In the ArtandSeek segment, we’ll talk with Carl Hamm, Senior Vice President of Development at […]

  • Twilight of the American Newspaper

    Are newspapers destined to become a relic of history? This hour we’ll talk with Richard Rodriguez, whose article “Final Edition: Twilight of the American Newspaper” appears in this month’s edition of Harper’s Magazine.

  • Education and the State of America's Students

    Have past attempts at education reform made a difference in learning? And how can things be improved for the immediate future? We’ll discuss the state of America’s students with Margaret Spellings, former U.S. Secretary of Education.

  • The Outsourcing of American Power

    Have private corporations taken over the U.S. government? We’ll talk this hour with Allison Stanger, author of “One Nation Under Contract: The Outsourcing of American Power and the Future of Foreign Policy” (Yale University Press, 2009).

  • Three Decades of Wall Street Greed

    Why did the banking system almost collapse last year? And who was responsible? We’ll spend this hour with Charles Gasparino, author of the new book “The Sellout: How Three Decades of Wall Street Greed and Government Mismanagement Destroyed the Global Financial System” (Harper Business, 2009).

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    The Assassination of JFK

    Can you remember the assassination of President Kennedy? Or does your knowledge of that tragic moment come from a history textbook rather than news reports or firsthand accounts? We’ll spend this hour with Tom Jennings, executive producer of the new documentary “The Lost JFK Tapes,” and Gary Mack, curator of the Sixth Floor Museum at […]

  • A Search for America's Christmas Present

    Is Frisco, Texas, the capitol of over-the-top Christmas excess? We’ll talk this hour with Washington Post pop culture writer Hank Stuever, author of the new book, “Tinsel: A Search for America’s Christmas Present” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009).

  • The Life and Legacy of Archimedes

    How much do you know about the man who leaped from his bathtub exclaiming “Eureka!” on discovering a scientific principle that, today, allows a balloon to fly? We’ll talk this hour with biographer Alan Hirshfeld, whose new book is “Eureka Man: The Life and Legacy of Archimedes” (Walker and Company, 2009).

  • India's Harvest of Water

    Is an ambitious new water system in India a viable alternative to monsoon season for the nation’s farmers? We’ll talk with Sara Corbett, whose article “A Harvest of Water” appears in this month’s issue of National Geographic Magazine.