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  • Becoming a Show Business Legend

    How does a performer go from Wall Lake, Iowa to a multi-platinum recording career and a two-decade headlining gig at Las Vegas’ Caesar’s Palace? We’ll find out this hour with the legendary Andy Williams whose new memoir “Moon River and Me” (Viking, 2009) is just out.

  • How Positive Thinking Has Undermined America

    Is ubiquitous optimism bad for America? We’ll talk this hour with writer Barbara Ehrenreich whose new book is “Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America” (Metropolitan Books, 2009).

  • A Guilty Liberal Attempts to Save the Planet

    How far would you go to help save the environment? We’ll talk this hour with Colin Beavan whose new book is “No Impact Man: The Adventures of a Guilty Liberal Who Attempts to Save the Planet, and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process” (FSG, 2009).

  • Finding Faith in Today's World

    Where exactly does belief reside in the lives of modern people? We’ll talk this evening with bestselling author Mitch Albom, whose new non-fiction book is “Have a Little Faith: A True Story” (Hyperion, 2009). As the State Fair of Texas enters its final weekend, we’ll take a look at the art that resides at Fair […]

  • Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon

    How did the U.S.-Soviet nuclear competition affect the outcome of history? We’ll talk this hour with Pulitzer Prize winner Neil Sheehan, who profiles the Air Force officer who led the U.S. missile effort in his new book “A Fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon” (Random House, 2009).

  • An Improbable Journey to the Heart of White America

    What exactly are exurbs and why are some white Americans moving to them in droves? We’ll spend the hour with Rich Benjamin, senior fellow at the non-partisan think tank Demos and author of the new book “Searching for Whitopia: An Improbable Journey to the Heart of White America” (Hyperion, 2009).

  • From the archives: Restoring and Renewing America

    From the archives – Does the current economy really spell disaster for the country or does it offer us an unprecedented opportunity? In August we spoke with Kurt Andersen, host of PRI’s Studio 360 and author of the new book “Reset: How This Crisis Can Restore Our Values and Renew America” (Random House, 2009).

  • From the archives: Kids and Sports

    From the archives – How does the American obsession with winning affect children playing little-league sports? We’ll talked last summer with Tom Farrey, author of the new book “Game On: How the Pressure to Win At All Costs Endangers Youth Sports and What Parents Can Do About It” (ESPN Books Trade Paperback, 2009).

  • Learning About America from Starbucks

    What does your cup of coffee say about you? What does it say about society? We’ll talk this hour with Bryant Simon, Professor of History and Director of American Studies at Temple University and author of “Everything but the Coffee: Learning About America from Starbucks” (University of California Press, 2009).

  • The Dallas Arts District and ATandT Performing Arts Center

    Have you visited the newly completed Dallas Arts District yet? We’ll spend this hour with Veletta Forsythe Lill, Executive Director of the Dallas Arts District and Mark Nerenhausen, President and CEO of the ATandT Performing Arts Center which opens this week.