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    Ralph Hawkins, HKS

    As CEO of HKS, Ralph Hawkins leads one of the top three architectural firms in the country.

  • The Final Expedition of Henry Hudson

    He lent his name to several famous places in North America, but who was Henry Hudson? We’ll find out this hour as guest host Jerome Weeks talks with University of Southern California historian and anthropologist Peter C. Mancall, author of the new book “Fatal Journey: The Final Expedition of Henry Hudson” (Basic Books, 2009).

  • From the Archive: Defeating the Food Crisis

    From the Think archives – Is it possible for everyday Americans to change the food culture and conquer hunger by simply growing vegetables and raising livestock in yards and community gardens? We talked last month with Sharon Astyk, farmer, blogger and co-author of the new book “A Nation of Farmers: Defeating the Food Crisis on […]

  • From the Archive: The Search for a Way Out of Iraq

    From the Think archive – Where does the war in Iraq stand now and when might the U.S. troops stationed there be able to return home? In June we talked with veteran journalist Linda Robinson, author of “Tell Me How This Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq” (Public […]

  • From the Archive: Esperanto Rock Stars and Klingon Poets

    From the Think archive – Why would someone set out to invent a new language? Last month we explored a few of the almost 900 created tongues with linguist Arika Okrent, author of the book “In the Land of Invented Languages: Esperanto Rock Stars, Klingon Poets, Loglan Lovers, and the Mad Dreamers Who Tried to […]

  • From the Archive: Making Decisions

    From the Think archive – How do we make choices and is there a way to improve our decision making? Last spring we discussed the latest research on the workings of the brain with writer Jonah Lehrer, whose recent book is “How We Decide” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009).

  • After Detroit, the Wreck of an American Dream

    What does the future hold for the American auto industry? Guest host Jerome Weeks will talk this hour with Harper’s Magazine contributing editor Ben Austen, whose piece “End of the Road: After Detroit, the wreck of an American dream” appears in the current issue the magazine.

  • From the Archive: A Writer's Creativity

    From the Think archive – How do memory, place and time influence character and a writer’s creativity? In May we spoke with award-winning playwright, novelist and actor Eric Bogosian. His latest book is “Perforated Heart” (Simon and Schuster, 2009).

  • From the Archive: Starting Your Financial Life

    From the Archive: What basic skills are needed to ensure a financially secure future? We talked with veteran financial journalist Karen Blumenthal in early June. Her new book is “The Wall Street Journal. Guide to Starting Your Financial Life” (Random House, 2009). Artist Roger Shimomura joined us for the Art and Seek segment to discuss […]

  • Paul Theroux on Paul Theroux

    Where does a writer discover his or her material? We’ll talk with the author of more than 47 books of travel writing, short-story collections, novels, criticism and children’s literature – legendary writer Paul Theroux. He’ll preview his 2009 UNT Mayborn Literary Conference Lecture with guest host Jerome Weeks this hour.