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  • Starting Your Financial Life

    What basic skills are needed to ensure a financially secure future? We’ll talk with veteran financial journalist Karen Blumenthal whose new book is “The Wall Street Journal. Guide to Starting Your Financial Life” (Random House, 2009).Artist Roger Shimomura will join us for the Art and Seek segment to discuss his bi-cultural explorations of identity, prejudice […]

  • Finding Redemption in a Forgotten Texas Church

    What happens when a white, middle-class crime reporter finds herself in a rundown black Pentecostal church on an out-of-the-way street? We’ll talk this hour with former Dallas Observer editor-in-chief Julie Lyons, who tells the story in her new book “Holy Roller: Finding Redemption and the Holy Ghost in a Forgotten Texas Church” (Water Brook, 2009).

  • The Life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Who is the man behind the popular novels “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and “Love in the Time of Cholera” and what experiences led to his incredibly influential body of work? We’ll talk this hour with Gerald Martin, author of the first full and authorized biography of one of the 20th Century’s greatest writers – […]

  • Finding Love, Commitment, and Motherhood

    What pressures do women face as they balance careers, relationships and the possibilities of motherhood? We’ll talk this hour with journalist Rachel Lehmann-Haupt, who tells her story and offers advice for others in her new book “In Her Own Sweet Time: Unexpected Adventures in Finding Love, Commitment, and Motherhood” (Basic Books, 2009).

  • Mad Dreamers Who Tried to Build A Perfect Language

    Why would someone set out to invent a new language? From 12th Century Lingua Ignota to the chipmunk noise-based Dritok, we’ll explore a few of the almost 900 created tongues with linguist Arika Okrent, author of the new book “In the Land of Invented Languages: Esperanto Rock Stars, Klingon Poets, Loglan Lovers, and the Mad […]

  • General Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq

    Where does the war in Iraq stand now and when might the U.S. troops stationed there be able to return home? We’ll spend this hour with veteran journalist Linda Robinson, author of the recent book “Tell Me How This Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq” (Public Affairs, 2008). […]

  • The Green Economy

    What exactly are the benefits of “going green” and will green economic models really pay off as promised? We’ll get a glimpse of the realities behind the spin this hour with UCLA professor of economics Matthew E. Kahn. His piece “Think Again: The Green Economy” appears in the current issue of Foreign Policy Magazine.

  • Inside the Controversy over Genetically Modified Food

    Are genetically modified foods really dangerous or are they just misunderstood? We’ll find out this hour with Portland State University biologist, Dr. Lisa H. Weasel, author of the new book “Food Fray: Inside the Controversy over Genetically Modified Food” (AMACOM, 2009).

  • The Jury Trial and the Future of American Justice

    What is happening to the jury trial and what does it mean for the future of American justice? We’ll talk this hour with Robert P. Burns, professor at the Northwestern University School of Law and author of the new book “The Death of the American Trial” (Chicago, 2009).

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    Victor Almeida, Interceramic

    With business roots in Mexico and the US, Interceramic CEO Victor Almeida is confident he’ll overcome the current troubled economy.