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  • New Leadership at the Kimbell

    What does the future hold for the Kimbell Art Museum? We’ll talk with the new Director Eric McCauley Lee about his plans and about evolving Fort Worth Museum District. Playwright Linda Daugherty will join us during the Scene segment to discuss the problem of teen dating violence and it’s portrayed in her new play “don […]

  • Making Decisions

    How do we make choices and is there a way to improve our decision making? We’ll explore the latest research on the workings of the brain this hour with writer Jonah Lehrer, whose new book is “How We Decide” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009).

  • America's Tangled Relationship With Saudi Arabia

    How will U.S.-Saudi relations change under the Obama Administration? What do key Saudi players think of our new President? We’ll talk this hour with David Ottaway, Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars and author of the book “The King’s Messenger: Prince Bandar bin Sultan and America’s Tangled Relationship With Saudi Arabia” (Walker […]

  • Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier of Religion

    How is religion changing in America and how does the new Christian practice differ from the traditional church? We’ll talk this hour with Tony Jones, author of “The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier” (Jossey-Bass, 2008), which will soon be released in paperback.

  • Adventures with the Totally Lost Tribes of America

    Where is the fringe of American society? We’ll get a guided tour this hour with journalist Evan Wright, who’s famous for his bestselling book “Generation Kill” which became an HBO miniseries. Wright’s new book is “Hella Nation: Looking for Happy Meals in Kandahar, Rocking the Side Pipe, Wingnut’s War against the Gap, and other Adventures […]

  • How Hungry is America?

    Do you know someone who’s hungry? We’ll explore the growing issue of domestic hunger this hour with Joel Berg, a former Clinton Administration food security official and current head of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. His recent book is “All You Can Eat: How Hungry is America?” (Seven Stories, 2008).

  • The Real Spartacus

    Most of us remember the 1960 Kirk Douglas role that re-ignited the myth for a 20th Century audience, but who was the real Spartacus? We’ll find out this hour with Barry Strauss, professor of history and classics at Cornell University and author of the new book “The Spartacus War” (Simon and Schuster, 2009).

  • From the Archive: The Cosmic Perspective

    What does astrophysics mean to you? We’ll discuss life, the universe and everything else this hour with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, who’ll speak to UTA’s Maverick Speakers Series tonight and Bishop Dunne Catholic School’s 2009 GeoTech Conference next month.

  • Crafting a Classic Screenplay

    How are successful screenplays crafted and what makes a film stand the test of time? We’ll talk this evening with screenwriter and director Robert Towne who won an Academy Award for the classic film “Chinatown.”

  • The First Leonid McGill Mystery

    What does a writer share with his or her best characters and how are new characters born? We’ll talk this hour with perennial bestselling author Walter Mosley, whose new book is “The Long Fall: The First Leonid McGill Mystery” (Riverhead, 2009).