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  • Cold War Relations

    Hour 1: Suzanne Massie helped stabilize America’s relationship with Russians during the Cold War. We’ll talk with her about how she helped shape American strategy during those turbulent years, which she writes about in her new memoir, “Trust But Verify: Reagan, Russia and Me.”

  • America's Debt Issues

    Hour 1: What can we learn from times when America practiced responsible financial borrowing? We’ll spend this hour with former Houston mayor Bill White talking about this topic and his new book “America’s Fiscal Constitution: Its Triumph and Collapse.”

  • Who Has The Time?

    Hour 1: Finding down time can be a hard thing to manage when you’re busy. Brigid Schulte, author of “Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time,” joins us to talk about the obstacles people face when trying to make room for leisure time.

  • The Wild West

    Hour 2: We’ll speak to TCU professor Steven Woodworth, who is featured in the PBS documentary “Civil War: The Untold Story,” about the important Civil War battles that took place in the west.

  • The Rise Of ADHD

    Hour 2: More and more people in America are being diagnosed with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We’ll discuss the trend this hour with Dr. Richard Scheffler, co-author of “The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medication, Money, and Today’s Push for Performance.”