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  • It's A Viral World

    Hour 2: This hour we’ll talk to virologist Dr. Nathan Wolfe about his book, The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age (St. Martin’s Griffin) and upcoming trip to Dallas.

  • America's Future

    Hour 1: Millennials are doing things differently compared to previous generations. We’ll talk this hour about the challenges facing our nation in the near future with Paul Taylor, author of The Next America: Boomers, Millennials, and the Looming Generational Showdown.

  • Happy Hour

    Hour 2: The influx of craft breweries in North Texas has put local brewers on the map. We’ll spend this hour with a panel of North Texas brewers who are behind the recent trend.

  • Being A Critic

    Hour 1: Being a critic sounds like the easiest job in the world – just observe and give your opinion. But justifying those opinions is tougher than you think. We’ll explore the life of a critic this hour with KERA’s Jerome Weeks, Nancy Nichols of D magazine and Preston Jones of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

  • The Future Of Texas

    Hour 2: This hour we’ll discuss what Texas’ population will look like in the 21st Century with Steve Murdock, co-author of Changing Texas: Implications of Addressing or Ignoring the Texas Challenge.