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Think: Episode Archives

  • 2007 – The Pop Culture Year in Review

    What were your favorite (and not so favorite) pop-culture moments of 2007 and what excites you about 2008? We’ll take a look back and peer into the future this hour with Cary Darling of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Andrea Grimes of the Dallas Observer, and Zac Crain of D Magazine.

  • How Government Planning Harms Your Quality of Life, Your Pocketbook, and Your Future

    Most of us live according to decisions made by other people – legislators, bureaucrats, and planning commissions. But is there a better way? Randall O’Toole thinks there is. We’ll talk this hour with O’Toole, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and author of “The Best-Laid Plans: How Government Planning Harms Your Quality of Life, Your […]

  • Mind Wars: Bioethics and Military Research

    Is it ethical for the U.S. military to conduct brain research with an ultimate goal of weapons development? We’ll explore the topic this hour with Jonathan Moreno, Ph.D., author of the book “Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense” (Dana Press, 2006). Moreno will speak at Ethics Grand Rounds at UT Southwestern Medical Center tomorrow […]

  • Global Philanthropy and Fighting Global Poverty

    What can be done to aid the world’s poor and begin the end of global poverty? We’ll talk this evening with Janet McKinley, Chair of the Oxfam America Board of Directors and Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President and CEO of Women’s World Banking who are both in town to address the World Affairs Council of Dallas […]

  • The Ethics of Genetic Choice

    If you could determine the genetic profile of your future child, would you? Ronald M. Green, Director of the Ethics Institute at Dartmouth College, argues that with a careful and ethical approach humans can and should take these opportunities in the future. We’ll talk with Green this hour about his new book “Babies By Design: […]

  • Climate Change and Texas

    What are Texans doing to mitigate climate change? We’ll spend this hour with NPR Reporter John Burnett, whose Climate Connections series on Texas aired last week. We’ll also be joined by Professor Andrew Dessler of Texas AandM University’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences.

  • How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance – And Why They Fall

    What makes a nation one of the greats of history and why do great nations eventually lose prominence in the world? We’ll explore the ebb and flow of global influence throughout history this hour with Amy Chua, John Duff Jr. Professor of Law at Yale Law School. Her new book is “Day of Empire: How […]

  • Andrew Jenks, Room 335

    What are your plans for retirement? 19-year-old filmmaker Andrew Jenks, and two of his peers as crew, decided to see what life is like in a Florida retirement home by moving in for a month in the summer of 2005. The result is the HBO Documentary Film “Andrew Jenks, Room 335” which will air on […]