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Think: Episode Archives

  • Political Power and the News Media from Iraq to Katrina

    What are the responsibilities of the press and what role does the news media play in public policy? We’ll spend this hour with Steven Livingston, associate professor at George Washington University and co-author of the new book “When the Press Fails: Political Power and the News Media from Iraq to Katrina” (University of Chicago Press, […]

  • Hot Summer Food

    What’s for dinner North Texas? We’ll explore what’s hot and what’s not in the Dallas/Fort Worth restaurant scene this hour with Bill Addison from Guidelive at the Dallas Morning News, Teresa Gubbins of Pegasus News and contributing editor at D Magazine, and Bud Kennedy of the Eats Beat at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

  • How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP

    As the campaign for the White House heats up, Republican candidates must decide how they’ll define themselves to the voters. According to Republican insider Victor Gold, the party isn’t what it used to be. He’ll join us this hour to discuss how the GOP has changed and what he thinks true conservatives should do to […]

  • Cleaning Up After CSI Goes Home

    We all see the news…the crimes…the murders. But what happens after the police are finished with the scene and the yellow tape comes down? Our guest this hour, true crime writer Gil Reavill wondered the same thing and looked into the field of bioremediation. His new book “Aftermath, Inc.: Cleaning Up After CSI Goes Home” […]

  • The Dallas Arts District

    What’s going on in the Dallas Arts District and what will a completed Arts District mean for the city and region? We’ll spend this hour with Bill Lively, founding President and CEO of the Dallas Center for the Performing Arts and Phillip Jones, President and CEO of The Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau.

  • Brave Leaders and How They Changed America 1789-1989

    What does it take to be a really great President? Perhaps no one is better suited to discuss the question than historian Michael Beschloss. He’ll be in town next week for two appearances with the World Affairs Council. We’ll talk with him this hour about his latest work “Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They […]

  • Shielding the Earth from Space

    We’ll talk about shielding the Earth from space with Apollo 9 astronaut Rusty Schweickart, who now serves as Chairman of the Board of the B612 Foundation. The foundation champions the protection of Earth from future asteroid impacts. Nicole Small, CEO of the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science will join us in the Scene segment […]

  • From the Archives: Vietnam and Iraq – The G.I.'s Experience

    There have been many comparisons of the current conflict in Iraq with America’s Vietnam adventure which ended officially 32 years ago. But how do the experiences differ for the soldiers? Dr. Charles Moskos, professor emeritus of sociology at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, is one of the foremost military sociologists in the world. He joined […]

  • Hearing Voices – "For the Fallen"

    From Hearing Voices, we hope you will enjoy “For the Fallen.” This Memorial Day special, hosted by Green Beret and poet Major Robert Schaefer, U.S. Army Special Forces, enlists veterans to talk about their fallen comrades, as well as stories from troops returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. You’ll also hear interviews from StoryCorps, essays […]

  • L.E.A.N. Families and Childhood Obesity

    Without a doubt, obesity is a problem in the United States today. Childhood obesity is a problem too and it’s sweeping the nation. Some doctors are even predicting that this is the first generation of children that will actually not live as long as their parents. We’ll discuss the problem of childhood obesity and possible […]