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Think: Episode Archives

  • The Great Santa Search and The History of the American Santa Claus

    What is behind the commercialization of Christmas? According to journalist Jeff Guinn, it all started in 1841 when a Philadelphia merchant sought to increase holiday trade at his dry goods store. Guinn intertwines the history of America’s celebration of Christmas with a tale of his own in his new book “The Great Santa Search” (Tarcher/Penguin, […]

  • Suburban Poverty Trends

    Is poverty moving to the suburbs? According to a recent report by the Brookings Institution, for the first time, the majority of the nation’s poor are suburban. We’ll talk with Brookings Fellow Alan Berube, co-author of “Two Steps Back: City and Suburban Poverty Trends 1999-2005.” We’ll also be joined by Paul Jargowsky, Associate Professor of […]

  • Holiday Etiquette and the Rest of the Year

    When is the right time to send holiday cards? How should you respond to an unexpected or unwanted gift? Is it appropriate to take your kids to a friend’s holiday party? We’ll talk about holiday etiquette this hour with Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D., Emily Post’s great-granddaughter and a spokesperson and author for The Emily Post […]

  • Infant Psychotherapy

    What would prompt you to consider psychological treatment for your infant or toddler? Are anxious parents responsible for the growing acceptance and popularity of infant psychotherapy? Can doctors help troubled children more effectively if they begin treatment as early as possible? We’ll spend this hour with Dr. Jean M. Thomas, a psychiatrist at Children’s National […]

  • Wine for the Holidays

    Are you wondering what wines to serve this holiday season? Perhaps you’d just like to expand your wine knowledge. We’ll talk wine this hour with sommelier, wine expert, and educator Darryl Beeson. We’ll also take your calls and answer all your wine-related questions.

  • The Book of Revelation

    What is the back-story to the Book of Revelation? Jonathan Kirsch writes about the book that was almost cut from the New Testament, but survived to have a central role in foreign policy and the lives of millions today. Kirsch will join us this hour to discuss his new book “A History of the End […]

  • Big Events of 2006 and Looking Forward to 2007

    What are your favorite pop-culture moments of 2006 and what excites you about 2007? We’ll take a look back and peer into the future this hour with Andrea Grimes of the Dallas Observer, Cary Darling of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and Tom Maurstad of the Dallas Morning News.

  • Muslim Life in America After 9/11

    Five years after 9/11, American Muslims are still living in the shadow of the attacks and the ongoing War on Terror. What are their lives like and how do they cope? Journalist Geneive Abdo set out to answer these questions. She’ll join us this hour to discuss what she learned and her new book “Mecca […]

  • Who Will Replace John Bolton at the U.N.?

    Who will replace John Bolton as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations? We’ll discuss the field of potential nominees and the future of U.S. – U.N. relations this hour with Christine Chen, senior editor of Foreign Policy Magazine and Dr. Joel Westra, Political Science professor and fellow at SMU’s John Goodwin Tower Center for […]

  • Propaganda and U.S. Public Relations

    Does the United States Government use propaganda for public relations? According to Nancy Snow, associate professor of communications at California State University in Fullerton and adjunct professor at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication, “we’re living in the age of manipulation of rhetorical labels…and losing our ability to lead in the world […]