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Think: Episode Archives

  • Child Advocacy and Options After Foster Care

    Statistics show that of the foster care children in Texas, African-American children remain in the system longer than any other ethnic group. In the first part of the hour, we’ll talk with Jessica Dixon, Director of the W.W. Caruth, Jr. Child Advocacy Clinic at SMU’s Dedman School of Law, about the legal and social impact […]

  • Regarding the Land: Robert Glenn Ketchum and the Legacy of Eliot Porter

    Can art change the world? Photographer Robert Glenn Ketchum thinks so. He’s used his career as a highly-respected color landscape photographer to build political support for cleaning up and protecting places of natural beauty and ecological importance. Ketchum’s current exhibit pairs his work with the work of another photographer who inspired him. It’s called “Regarding […]

  • A Season in Hell with the Rolling Stones

    Are you a fan of the Rolling Stones? The world’s highest grossing touring act of 2006 hasn’t slowed down at all and they’ve been doing it since 1962. But what was it like when things were moving really fast for the Stones? Music writer Robert Greenfield was there in the summer of 1971 when they […]

  • I Wish I'd Been There: Twenty Historians Bring to Life Dramatic Events That Changed America

    Which scene or incident in American History would you have liked to witness first hand…Pre-Columbian Cahokia; Harpers Ferry; The Scopes Trial? We’ll spend this hour with Byron Hollinshead who has edited the new collection “I Wish I’d Been There: Twenty Historians Bring to Life Dramatic Events That Changed America” (Doubleday, 2006). I Wish I’d Been […]

  • Can This Guy Save The Defense Department?

    What can we expect from the newly nominated Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates? We’ll spend this hour with Texas Monthly Senior Executive Editor Paul Burka, who profiled Gates for the November issue of Texas Monthly. Can This Guy Save the Aggies? Robert Gates to the Rescue appears in the November issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.

  • There's Nothing in This Book That I Meant to Say

    You hear her on Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me! You’ve seen her on television. But what’s it like to be Paula Poundstone? Find out this hour as she joins us to discuss her career and her new book “There’s Nothing in This Book That I Meant to Say” (Harmony Books, 2006), in which she profiles historical […]

  • Rethinking Research Ethics

    Is scientific research on human subjects necessary? What are the ethical considerations? Is there a risk of exploitation of research volunteers? Dr. Rosamond Rhodes, professor of Medical Education and director of Bioethics Education at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, will deliver the UTD Public Forum lecture “Rethinking Research Ethics” this evening. We’ll get a […]

  • Living "The Good Life"

    What is the good life? Why are some people happy when others are not? Dr. Mark Hebert, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Austin College, will join us to discuss recent research into positive psychology. He’ll also discuss the topic with the Dallas Philosopher’s Forum tomorrow night. Dr. Mark Hebert will speak to the Dallas Philosopher’s […]

  • This Is Your Brain on Music

    Why does music play such an important role in our culture? According to former record producer and AandR agent for Columbia Records, Daniel Levitin, the interaction of music and the brain leads to thoughts, feelings, hopes, desires, love and the experience of beauty. Levitin, who now runs the Levitin Laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and […]

  • The Tipping Points of Climate Change

    According to the cover story on the current issue of Mother Jones Magazine, humans must “evolve or die.” How that evolution will occur is ultimately up to each of us. We’ll speak this hour with writer Julia Whitty who’s article “The Thirteenth Tipping Point” examines climate change and possible strategies to deal with it. The […]