Fort Worth Emergency Room Cuts Back Use Of Opioids In Response To National Crisis
Local Audio Posts June 10, 2019 17In response to the nation’s opioid crisis, Baylor Scott &White Fort Worth’s emergency department is among a growing number across the country choosing to reduce their use of opioids to manage pain. Dr. Toral Bakhta is medical director of the emergency department at Baylor Scott &White Fort Worth. She says research has shown emergency rooms have played a role in opioid dependency. INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS: Emergency departments and opioid use: “There has been significant data that shows that patients given opioids for acute pain management only within seven days of use develop long term usage from opioids. About six percent of patients only develop long term usage after just one single dosage prescribed from the E-D (emergency department). Studies have shown the E-D really is the starting point for dependence to opioids because of the usage that we have in the past decade.” Were opioids always necessary: “Over the past few decades, public policies, as well intended as they were,