Cecelia shares her favorite way to burn off excited energy after a trip to the amusement park. Join her in a fun activity called “bubble breathing.”
Excitement is high energy and feels like butterflies in your stomach, or maybe you feel like jumping up and down. Cecelia tells us how she felt after going to an amusement park and riding the log ride. She shares her favorite way to burn off excited energy through “bubble breathing.”
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Tiempo Tranquilo Podcast Script, Episode 2
Excitement: The amusement park!
*the host, Cecelia, is the only speaker in this episode
Cecelia: Testing, testing …One…two…three…
Ok, sounds good, amigos!
Cecelia: From K-E-R-A Kids in Dallas, Texas, this is Tiempo Tranquilo, a podcast where we talk about the big feelings inside of us and share a new idea for managing our emotions.I’m Cecelia, the host of this show.
Today we’ll be talking about excitement. Excitement is high energy and feels like butterflies in our stomach.
Excitement can even make us shake…
…or have sweaty palms. If you could see excitement, what would it look like? Let’s think about it for a few seconds.
To me, it looks like big fireworks.And this big positive energy, como el sol making my heart smile.
Let me tell you something that made me feel excited this week.
Going to an amusement park! I went with my family and I was finally brave enough to get on the log ride.Have you ever been on a log ride? Let me tell you what it feels like. Close your eyes and imagine along with me.
We’re waiting in line and finally — it’s our turn to board the ride. We climb into a big, hollowed out log that’s floating in water.
My whole family squeezes into the same row, one in front of another. Like we’re in a canoe. The log moves forward and up a hill.
I feel a pounding in my chest. And all of the sudden…SPLASH!!
Water goes everywhere! We’re soaked from head to toe. But we’re all laughing, and it was so much fun! It’s my favorite ride now, and I can’t wait to go back and ride it again.
Let’s stop for a second! Just thinking about the log ride makes me so, so excited!
What about you?
Were you excited, maybe nervous when imagining riding it?
Let’s try something to help us with our excited feelings!
For example, maybe you’re so excited after trying a new ride at the amusement park and you can’t contain your energy.Or maybe you’re so excited from recess, and you want to bring your energy down a bit before class. Let’s try to quiet down those excited thoughts and energy so we can focus better. Because when our mind and body are calm, we are able to think clearer.
For this activity, we will be breathing and blowing out our energy as bubbles! That’s right we’re bubble breathing!
Before we get started, let’s get comfortable. You can sit, lie down or even stand. Are you comfortable now? Ok. Let’s get started!
Let’s close our eyes and imagine. Breathe in the color orange. Naranja.Now, blow out as many orange bubbles as you can.
Whoa! I can see the bubbles! Are you imagining them, too? Let’s try that again!
Breathe in fire truck red. Rojo.Blow out as many fire truck red bubbles as you can.
Breathe in banana yellow. Amarillo.
Blow out banana yellow bubbles.Breathe in sky blue. Azul.
Blow out sky blue bubbles.
One more time.
Breathe in grape purple. Morado.
Blow out grape purple bubbles.Good job!
Do you feel more calm now that you burned off some of that excited energy? I still feel happy and joyful from the log ride. But I feel much calmer than I did when I was super duper excited.
I had lots of fun sharing what makes me excited.
Next time you’re excited, try your bubble breathing. And don’t forget to share what you learned today with your friends and family.
Talk to you next time! Nos vemos pronto!
Tiempo Tranquilo is a production of KERA in Dallas, TX. It’s hosted by me, Cecelia Adame. Micaela Rodriguez and KERA’s director of Education Lisa Bracken developed, produced, and edited this show. Sylvia Komatsu is the Chief Content Officer and Nico Leone is our CEO. Veronica Valles is a peace educator and our mindfulness advisor.
The rest of our team includes: Shardae White, Allan Wang, Shenique Rasheed and Erica Campos. Special thanks to our Parent Advisory Council Community Voices for their feedback. Tiempo Tranquilo is produced with support from PRX and is made possible (in part) by a Ready To Learn grant from the U.S. Department of Education.END OF EPISODE