In this episode, we learn about jealousy. Cecelia shares an activity that made her feel better after her best friend Sofía didn’t invite her over to play.
Join Cecelia as she talks about that big feeling called jealousy, and how she felt when she wasn’t invited to play at her best friend Sofía’s house. Cecelia shares an activity called stop, drop, and roll to help keep jealousy from getting stronger.
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Tiempo Tranquilo Podcast Script, Episode 6
Jealousy: Back off, this is mine!*the host, Cecelia, is the only speaker in this episode<>
Cecelia: From K-E-R-A Kids in Dallas, Texas, this is Tiempo Tranquilo a podcast where we talk about
the big feelings inside of us and share a new idea for managing our emotions. I’m Cecelia, the host
of the show.Today we’ll be exploring a sticky emotion — It’s called jealousy. Have you heard of it before?
First, we should have a little chat about what jealousy is. It’s often confused with a different
emotion, called envy.It’s when you want something someone else has. Let’s say your friend got a new bike…
Or they’re going to the water park with their family this weekend…Envy feels like: Ugh, I want that! Then there’s jealousy.
<>This feels like: Back off, this is mine!
It’s when you feel the threat of losing someone or something to another person.
Let me tell you about a time I got really jealous.So the story is: My best friend Sofia had friends over to play at her house… and I wasn’t
invited! When this happened to me, my heart started beating really fast.It felt so unfair! I started feeling like I was going to cry or even yell at someone.
How could she forget me?
I also felt sad and all alone at the same time… like I wasn’t good enough to be her friend.
Jealousy is a strong emotion! When I was feeling jealous, I kept telling myself the same story: I’m
not good enough.That wasn’t true.
Let’s pause for a moment to learn how to let go of jealousy in an intense moment like this.
If you’re feeling jealous of someone or something right now, or even the next time you feel
jealous, I want to share an idea we can use to calm down.For this you can sit down or stand. Whatever feels more comfortable for you. You can even close
your eyes.Ok, ready?
First: Stop and take a pause on your thoughts.
Then: Drop into your heart. Let’s put a hand on our hearts. Do you know where your heart is? It’s
on the left side of your chest. Can you feel it beating?Now, Roll into your breath. Breathe in through your nose and learn forward and breathe out through
your mouth. With your hand on your heart, count your breaths from one to five.Then do it backwards. Let me show you. Take a breath.
Now let’s try that again, but this time backwards. Remember, take big breaths. Take a breath.
You can do this exercise for as long as you need. Just stop, drop and roll! Stop and take a pause
before your thoughts get stronger and stronger.Drop your hand on your heart and roll into your breath. Don’t forget to lean forward!
These are strong thoughts, so it’s ok if you still feel jealous after you finish. It can take time.
Just know that it’s ok to experience these thoughts and emotions. But we do have a choice on how to
respond to big emotions like this. We can recognize them.When you feel your thoughts getting stronger and stronger, you can tell them “not right now.” By
doing this, we’re telling ourselves that it’s okay to let those feelings go.<>
Now, if you have a little more time, I want to go back to the story I told you earlier about being
jealous. When I was feeling jealous that I wasn’t invited to play, I talked to my mamí about how I
was feeling. She reminded me of all of my other friends, and that it’s okay for a person to have
more than one friend. I thought about my friends and the different things we like to do together
and I started to feel better.I gave myself time to cool down, permission to let those feelings go and thought about all of the
friends I have in my life. And you know what? My mamí was right. Sofia invited me to go roller
skating the next weekend!Remember, when you’re feeling jealous just stop, drop and roll! Stop and take a pause before your
thoughts get stronger and stronger. Drop your hand on your heart and roll into your breath. It will
help you put out that fire of emotion.
Ok, amigos! Talk to you next time! Nos vemos pronto!