Disappointment is how you feel when you really want something to happen, but it doesn’t. Like when you can’t play with a friend or you don’t get something you wanted. It can be upsetting when things don’t work out as planned, but Cecelia has an activity to help you pop those disappointed thoughts like bubbles and feel better.
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Tiempo Tranquilo
Podcast Script, Episode 8Disappointment: When you feel let down
*the host, Cecelia, is the only speaker in this episode
Cecelia: Oh no!That’s my hermanito.
It sounds like he’s in a really bad mood! He was supposed to play at the park with his amiga, Isabella. But now she’s not feeling so good.
He’s sad Isabella is sick and hopes she feels better soon, but now he doesn’t know what to do today!
I know it can be upsetting when things don’t work out the way you planned. Trust me, I know how that feels. But I know something that can help… Let’s go!
From K-E-R-A Kids in Dallas, Texas, this is “Tiempo Tranquilo” a podcast where we talk about the big feelings inside of us and share a new idea for managing our emotions. I’m Cecilia, the host of this show.
Today we’ll be talking about something called “disappointment.”
Disappointment is how you feel when you really want something to happen, but then it doesn’t. Like when you can’t play with a friend…
…a taco that falls on the ground…
…or when your favorite toy breaks…
Life is full of disappointments of different sizes!
I’ve felt disappointed plenty of times, but there was this one time I got SUPER disappointed. Let me take you back in time.
When I was little, I told my parents I wanted my first pet!
I was secretly hoping to get a dog or a cat!
Maybe even a guinea pig!
But instead, I got Chuy… a turtle!
I didn’t want Chuy. I wanted a pet that was cool.
One that could come to my soccer games and snuggle with me at night.
Chuy couldn’t do any of that.
All Chuy could do was sit on the rocks in his tank.
I thought he was soooo boring! I wanted to trade Chuy for a pet I could put on a leash.
Ok, let’s pause the story for a moment!
I’ll admit I was feeling really disappointed when I first got Chuy. He wasn’t what I expected.
When you’re feeling disappointed, I want to share something I like to do that can help.
It’s called Bubble Thoughts!
Have you ever blown bubbles outside for fun? When you blow them, they come out in different sizes and some float around, while others pop right away! Our thoughts are just like that.
Thoughts pop into our heads…
…just like when we blow bubbles outside. They float around…and then…they POP!
But some thoughts stay around longer. Just like bubbles. They float around and seem like they may never pop and go away!
Thoughts like “Will I be invited to play?”
or “Will my friends laugh at my jokes?”
Having fewer bubbles like these can help us relax and feel better.
Ok time to share an idea for managing our emotions. Let’s go!
First, think about what we are feeling right now. Disappointment. I accept that I feel disappointed.
Then think: Where are you feeling it? And: What does it feel like?
Maybe you feel it in your stomach. Maybe it feels heavy, or sticky, or prickly, or slimy.
Use those thoughts and tune into your body. Take a few breaths to calm and connect.
Breathe in through your nose.
And breathe out through your mouth.
Now, what thoughts are still present?
Let’s pretend these thoughts are bubbles floating in front of us.
One bubble in front of me is saying, “I feel like my parents let me down.” Is that true? No. My parents got me a pet to love. Pop the bubble.
Then another bubble says: “My friends won’t like Chuy.” Is that true? No, Chuy is awesome. Pop the bubble.
The last bubble says: “I’m never gonna be happy with my turtle” Is that true? No way! Pop the bubble.
Popping those thoughts away let me focus on the things that make Chuy really special.
Whew! This exercise made me feel so much better!
Earlier, I remembered how disappointed I was when I first got Chuy. But he’s been my bestest friend for years now!
I learned to appreciate Chuy for all that he is. I love when he re-arranges his rocks and stares at me with his soft yellow eyes. And his cool shell! He even likes taking a lettuce snack right out of my hand!
I had fun popping away those thoughts that didn’t make me feel good and remembering why I love Chuy! I’m so glad he’s in my life.
It’s nice to pay attention to those things! And it’s like a fun game, something you can try the next time your friend is feeling sick or busy and can’t come out and play! Or when you don’t get the gift you wanted.
Thanks for popping bubbles with me. The next time you’re feeling disappointed, give bubble popping a try. It’s fun to do with your friends and family, too!
OK! Talk to you next time! Nos vemos pronto.
Tiempo Tranquilo is a production of KERA in Dallas, TX. It’s hosted by me, Cecelia Adame. Micaela Rodriguez and KERA’s director of Education Lisa Bracken developed, produced, and edited this show. Sylvia Komatsu is the Chief Content Officer and Nico Leone is our CEO. Veronica Valles is a peace educator and our mindfulness advisor. The rest of our team includes: Shardae White, Allan Wang, Shenique Rasheed and Erica Campos. Special thanks to our Parent Advisory Council, Community Voices for their feedback. Tiempo Tranquilo is produced with support from PRX and is made possible (in part) by a Ready To Learn grant from the U.S. Department of Education.