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  • Texas’ Teen Moms

    We’ll talk this hour about teenage pregnancy with Dr. Joanna Gentsch, who teaches human sexuality at UT Dallas; and Dr. Mandy Golman, an assistant professor in the Department of Health Studies at Texas Woman’s University.

  • Life After Death

    This hour, we’ll talk about the moral and sociological ramifications of bringing people back to life with Dr. David Casarett, associate professor in the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.

  • On The Brain

    This hour, we’ll explore how neurosurgeons had to experiment with different procedures to get to where we are with modern neuroscience with author Sam Kean.

  • Medical Dilemmas

    We’ll talk to Dr. Barron Lerner this hour about the moral decisions physicians must make, which he writes about in his book, The Good Doctor: A Father, a Son, and the Evolution of Medical Ethics.

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    Joel Allison, Baylor Health Care

    On the September episode of KERA’s CEO, host Lee Cullum talks with Joel Allison, President and CEO of Baylor Health Care System, about merging with Scott & White Healthcare. Allison also discusses how Baylor is preparing for sweeping changes driven by the Affordable Care Act.

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    Sandra Bond Chapman, Center for BrainHealth

    Learn what Dr. Sandra Chapman and other scientists at the Center for BrainHealth are discovering about the brain’s ability to repair and strengthen.  As the center’s founder and chief director, Chapman teaches strategies designed to optimize brain performance.