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  • A Logophile’s Dream

    Queries about sweet soup, the endearment “my boo” and fossil poetry were all on recent episodes of “A Way With Words.” This hour, we’ll talk with the show’s hosts, Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett, about their most frequent questions– as well as the most wacky.

  • The Race To Save The Oceans

    Scientists predict we may lose half the species on the planet by the end of the century, many due to pollution of the oceans. The upcoming documentary “Racing Extinction” tells the story of a group trying to save these animals. This hour, we’ll talk with the film’s director, Louie Psihoyos, and co-executive producer Trammell S. Crow.

  • A ‘Colossal’ Undertaking

    With Colossal, the Dallas Theater Center has transformed the Wyly Theatre into a football field to tell the story of a college athlete struggling to overcome a devastating spinal injury. This hour, we’ll talk about how the play examines our favorite sport members of the cast.

  • Making Others Take Notice

    To get noticed, you need to inspire others to listen to you. This requires confidence, intense branding and respect as a “thought leader.” This hour, we’ll talk about this process with marketing strategy consultant Dorie Clark, author of “Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It.”

  • The Happiness Habit

    If happiness was easy, we’d all walk around every day with smiles on our faces. This hour, we’ll talk about the exercises you can use to train your brain for resilience with Dr. Amit Sood, author of “The Mayo Clinic Handbook for Happiness: A Four-Step Plan for Resilient Living”.

  • The Science Of Sleep

    Forty two percent of Americans say they get fewer than the seven recommended hours of shut-eye per night. This hour, we’ll talk about ZZZZ’s with Dr. James Maas, retired Cornell psychology professor and author of “Sleep for Success: Everything You Need to Know But Were Too Tired to Ask.”

  • From Oops To Outer Space

    Scientists have found the birthplace of stars and planets, begun to understand dark energy and found black holes — all using information from the Hubble Telescope. However, it almost didn’t make it off the ground due to an engineering error. This hour, we’ll talk about how five astronauts risked their lives to repair the telescope.