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  • The Shame Game

    Mistakes get amplified in the age of social media. Suddenly, an offensive joke meant to be seen by a hundred goes viral and reaches millions. Digital gangs of vigilantes then swoop in, ready to exact justice in ways that have often have shocking, real world effects. This hour, we’ll talk with Jon Ronson, author of So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed.

  • So Long, Saigon

    The documentary “Last Days in Vietnam” illustrates the tough choices facing American troops during the chaotic final days of the war. This hour, we’ll talk about the film with its director, Rory Kennedy, and producer Keven McAlester.

  • Keeping Laser Focus

    Distractions are everywhere, and they are wrecking our productivity. When we look to the intense focus of hockey players, craftspeople, and even short-order cooks, what can we learn about concentration? This hour, we’ll talk with Matthew B. Crawford, author of “The World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction.”

  • Getting To Know Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs is remembered as a visionary innovator whose relentless drive once alienated him from the Apple family. This hour, we’ll talk about how the arrogant genius ultimately changed the lives of billions across the world with Rick Tetzeli, co-author of “Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader.”

  • Choosing To Be Child-Free

    Whether or not to have children is a complicated, personal choice. Still, many who decide to forgo baby bottles and cradles in favor of pantsuits and suitcases face judgment from peers. This hour, we’ll talk about with Meghan Daum, the editor of “Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids.”

    Career, pantsuit, suitcase,

  • What Would Darwin Say?

    Modern medicine and biotechnology reduce the force of natural selection, and conditions that used to kill us are now being passed on to new generations. This hour, we’ll talk about how we can alter humanity’s future with Juan Enriquez, co-author of “Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation are Changing Life on Earth.”

  • Rust: The Great Destroyer

    You can’t spell frustration without rust– and for good reason. It wreaks havoc on cars, bridges and boats, costing the government billions. This hour, we’ll talk about about the destructive force with Jonathan Waldman, author of “Rust: The Longest War.”